February 9, 2010

9 weeks and definitely we are counting the days...

emmmm lotsa things to tell...

1) constant nausea and vomitting
- 24/7 i guess, tapi vomitting buat bunyik aje takde mende yg kuar...pagi2 bukak mate uwekkk, dlm kete on the way to office uweekkk, dlm office time tgh buat keje pun buleh ok, balik umah uwekkkk, sygku kiss pun boleh uwekkk jugak...hehehehehehe sure hubby ku itu tension...

2) I'm losing my appetite...*sigh*
- Well, for those who know me surely tau my loves, my craziness towards food.. i love to eat although tak semua bende yg pandai makan pun...anyways lately im losing my appetite...sedih ok!!! i want to eat, tapi tgk aje makanan dah tak buleh lalu...tak suka makan nasik so i need to find something to substitute la..luckily office nie dekat2 aje ngan semua junk food restaurants at least adelah bende jugak nak makan...for lunch eg, makan sandwich @ Subway ( ayyyoyoyo, my all time favourite) McD..n the like..i knw tak berkhasiat makan bende2 nie tapi ini ajelah yg buleh di makan pun camno???..Pity my dear husband..u see, my husband jenis yg kene makan nasik everyday and i used to cook for dinner everyday ( dah nak dekat 3 minggu dapaur kat umah tak berasap, masak air ajelah..kuikuikui)..tapi disebabkan kerengsaan terhadap nasik yg semakin tak buleh dikawal so a BIG NO NO for nasik for the time being....kesian busyuk ku itu....everyday makan luar..kadang2 malam tak makan, makan roti sajorkkkk sebab bininya tak mau makan...tapi saye sangat suke ice creammmm..yum yum yum

3)Putting on weight *double sigh"
-well seriously i dont mind putting on weight, dah fitrah nye begitukan tapi yg agak tension sikit most of my baju kurung tak buleh pakai..kain tak buleh zip ok...lantas haruslah dah start pakai baju yg besau2..dah obvious sgt ke pregnant nye...mak kate ikut mak perut tebal...baru 2 bulan perut dah nampak macam 4 bulan...aishhhh! tapi takpe gua rilex sajorkkk...

well kirenya itu ajelah kott bende yg besau2 terjadik...tapi dgn keadaan skrng whereby doctor kate kene byk berehat, i cant really kemas2 rimah, mop lantai n etc..kalau buat keje lebih sikit kadang2 ade discharge putih yg terkeluar..scary! so the doctor dah cakap, for the time being please do not commit with any kerja2 yg berat...chill saje di rumah...lantas tugas menyidai baju telah diambil sepenuhnya oleh Mr Khairul Faizal..Thanks sugar pie for your understanding...nanti saye dah betul2 sihat, saye take over ok...

We have yet buat ultrasound lagi, this week dah masuk 9 minggu, and maybe this coming saturday or sunday kott..i hope..cant wait to see the baby ( errrr, dah buleh panggil baby ke stage nie????) Hope that everything will be ok and smooth for us..Aminnnnn

To be continued.........