February 18, 2011

interview interview..arghhhhhh


went to one interview with this company x last week.....felt and feels stupiddd ( still!)...its been a while tak pergi mane2 interview..almost 2 years kott, but what to do, mommy needs to sacrifice..for a better life i guess ( well, dont take me wrong, not that my current life nie tak good enough, it just that if there is a way to improve the family's income n etc, why not kan...basically to have a better financial record for the family la....)...i am still in a learning process about commercial and corporate contract nie..vetting and perusing is ok, but when its come to drafting...macamm harammm!!!

received 2 calls for an interview next week..wish me luck....hiks

February 9, 2011

Job hopping again...

Peeps..im in job hunting again...been with this organisation for nearly 2 years now..career advancement, ilek..bonus- buleh la, increment very ciput so i have decided that it is time to move on...got a call for an interview on this coming Friday..wish me luck... :)

February 8, 2011

Aqiqah and Cukur Jambul


Sophia's Aqiqah and cukur jambul was awesome..everything went well and smooth.Alhamdullillah. some pixxies were taken during the ceremony..take a look :)