May 30, 2011

quick hupdate...


Sophia is turning 9 next week... ie on 8.6.2011 to be exact..she is one healty baby alhamdullillah..she is always in a pink of health,lasak 24/7 sampai kadang2 dah tak larat asyik dok 24/7 kene ikut aje bontot dia...

she is now super duper active, and she cant stay still more than 3 mins...take a look photos snap last week at rumah Wan n Atok..

si sophia tgh trying her very best to bangun n tgk tv..nak tgk AF okeh...

This is i call, determination, striving utk mengejar cita2 yg murni nak bangun tgk tv...

and..yes yes, i made it..i made it..... bagus, cemerlang anak mommy...mommy kasik solid A utk effort susah payah nak bangun n berdiri n tgk Pak Nil.... good job baby

Akhirnya....yes, we found it......


We ( the husband n i ) been searching high and low for this for almost 9 bulan..ntah maca mane termissplace n we have no idea watsoever where we keep it..bur alhamdullillah yesterday...we found it....

yup yup..3D scan photo of Sophia...hehehehehe..sukanyaaaa hati mommy...

May 26, 2011


bile mood nak menulis tibe- tibe hilang, upload pixxies pun jadilah

mommy n anak dah ready, babah tgk BBM

the parents dah ready, anak pulak tak duduk diam

My love, my everything

i better keep my mouth shut....


maybe it is best to keep my mouth shut rather than bercakap dan disalah ertikan..........


May 18, 2011

anak dara mommy

my source of happiness.......

Sophia's Birthday Party - And the survey starts...

Peeps...very poyo, i know...

yes, i have already looking/ searching/ browsing around for venue of Sophia 1st birthday bash.. i know its kinda early, tapi of kos la kan kene survey2 dulu tgk budget camne kan...the goody bag, the deco n the likes....emm expensive horrr....

haruslah mommy yg tak crative n tak tau DIY ni kene beli semua kan...*pengsan...

Venue criteria : 1) kene ade aircond, tak mau outdoor, sebab budak2 ni kalau main tak ingat dunia, larik2 haruslah busuk masyammm kan....
2)mau tempat yg ade mcm playhouse tak payah parents sibuk nak entertain anak2...biar aje lepaskan, diaorg main sendiri...
3)deco n makan tak yah nak pikir...masuk dlm package...
..btw i have found the venue dah....heheheeh, and in fact i have called them this morning, just to check around...waiting for their email on the packages, payment mode and the most important the budget la.....hiks

May 12, 2011

Happy Mother's Day

To me, to my mom and my MIL....

no celebration watsoever this year due to the fact : FOFIA KENE DEMAM CAMPAK n the parents mengelebah like anything...she started dengan high fever since last wednesday, bawak pegi clnic but the next day the temperature was still high...dapat kan referral letter n straight away jumpe fofia'a PAED at Pantai Hospital...Dr Khairul Zaman Omar....but after 2 days the fever still tak ilang2...pegi balik hospital on saturday however that morning, mommy dah spotted bintik2 merah kat muka sophia...and sahih la, red spots itu adalah measles aka campak...cian fofia mommy itu!!!!! habis comot the whole face...hiks