July 11, 2011

Busy Sunday...

peeps..last sunday sangat la penatnye..infact saturday tu pun the whole day was penuh dgn events...

1. Went to intan's place at Nusaputra, nun di Puchong...pagi2 dah gerakkk..
2. Amik mama @ bukit Jalil for wedding at Shah Alam
3.Around 4.30 reached Laman Budaya Shah Alam...aiyooo catering pun dah bungkus makanan dah..
4. Hantar mama balik to Bukit Jalik
5. Lepas maghrib terus jumpe CA bosses for a meeting @ Coffebox Cheras...
6.11.30pm sampai rumah...@ Pandan Perdana
7. Gue terus tido okeh..penat giler

* luckily sophia tak byk songeh..sikit2 aje cranky dia bila nak tido the rest dia ok jahh

1.sophia bgn around 9.00.yeayyyyyy
2.bersenang2 dgn sophia atas katil,,,kul 11 sophia tido balik
3.Babah received a call from his client nak jumpa at the office...demmit..
4. Bersiap2 pegi office babah, reached opis arouond 3.00pm
5. around 4, tak tau mane nak pegi, perut tibe2 lapar2 manja..we went to pasar keramat for roti boom n roti canai, not forgetting mutabak ayamm
6.babah said " ha, i know where to go..lets go to dataran merdeka....hikhikhiks....jommm..and we do like a tourist ya...
7@ dataran merdeka - we just realised how cantek nya bangunan sultan abd samad..pose2 and ade tourist frm Indon ambik gambar sophia....bleyyy????
8.NAK KENCINGGGG....mane nak pegi nie...
9.pegi tugu negara..but the toilet boleh pulak lock..demmmmm..ade pulak org basking dekat2 toilet tu..Sophia dah terkinja2..nak masuk " so u think u can dance ke???
10.dinner at Leisure mall...hahaha kate tak nak pegi mall, tapi pasal babah memgade nak makan Kenny rogers kan...kita layankan aje...
11. Reached home @ 10.30pm...PENATTTTT BUT it was fun when u spent the whole day with your loved ones...

Lets enjoy the pixs..( byk dah upload kat FB punn)