buley???? all these while tak dapat nak type panjang2 sebabnye akak skrnag dah tak entitle dpaat bilik sendiri jadik bile nak menaip bende2 camnie kenelah cover line skittt, tu yg post ala2 cikit aje contents dia, tulis tak sepenuh hati katenya..
i have a lot of things to share, but dunno where to start...about life, about my weeding prep ( i like ni yg paling cuke sekali), my familia and friends..but then when there is an ample time to write, idea pulak takdo...
ok start dgn keje@ career : when i graduated in year 2004, i never picture myself jadik sorang lawyer gitu..yes i am law grads but then not neccessarily kene jadik lawyer, tapi time tu tak tau nak buat ape..what i have in mind nak cepat-cepat keje, dapat gaji n nak beli kete....impian biase bagi semua org la kottt..back then i decided to do my pupillage, 9 month at Shahrizat Rashid & Lee..best sgt..ala budak chambee, buat salah pun bukan ade committment..salah lawyer la sape suruh bagi instruction tak terang..not my fault then..hehehehe..kat sini kan, aku dah kenal dah Engku Emran, ala Erra punye hubs tu..EE selalu datang jumpe uncle dia, Tan Sri Rashid..bile dia lalu ( btw, time ni aku diletakkan dlm library yg berdinding glass tu, so nampak la wei sape yg lalu lalang ) akak buleh tersenyum2 sornag2 sebab dia handsome...errkkk ye ke ? time tu dia la yg paling handsome kat office tu, so all the credits goes to him...
so lepas dah 9 bulan, pi la carik keje, although time chambering kat big size firm tapi dlm hati time tu taknak jadik lawyer kat firm2 besar ni, konon nak start dgn firm kecik dulu..yolah tu..kalau ku tahu la kan....lupe nak add on sikit, 9 bulan kat SRL konon2 area of specialization lebih pade litigation...sobab eh 9 bulan tu asyik duduk kat litigation department sebab konon2 lawyer liti lagi happening...emm yolah sangat! time nie belajar byk from Abg Zam@Hafarizam Harun ( sekarang dah dapat Datuk ok, pakai BMW lagi, kekwatt..dulu ingat dia pakai proton aje..buley???, dah tercapai la cite2 dia tu nak glam2 sebelah2 datuk kan..oklah good for him..) manekah akak terpesong ini???
first keje kat Aris & Co, sodih ok..firm tu dulu kala sangat grand katenye tapi tidak lagi..tapi malas la kan nak citer yg buruk2 ..tempak carik rezeki tu dulu..so tahan setakat 6 bulan aje, pastu cabut pi firm lain...Tengku Mohamed & Alan Lim...macam ok..glam la sikit..firm dia kat Menara Asia Life..konon2 first time la keje kat firm yg agak gah sikit..tapi nan ado jugak...byk sgt veteran2 jepun kat sini..secretary akak dah nak dekat 40+++, mahu tak tertekan kan..majority semua kat situ 30+++ and above....tertekan ok akak yg mude remaja ini...tapi work wise ok-ok la..dah setahun tibe2 tak nampak pun ade increment ke, monus ke...hanjenggg sangat..so tinggal la..carik firm baru..then dapat pulak kat Albar & Partners- no need to story byk2 sgt..such an experience for me, tapi tak nak dah elaborate panjang2....bad, good, worse memories semua kat sini...then after 2 years, i moved again..such a job hopper kan akak ni....then masuk in house..jadik legal executive....best sgt ( so far..insyallah, amin)..keje rilex giler, my lady boss sgt baik, tak pressure kan diri akak ini langsung....walaupun adela kadang2 dia hangen jugak kat diriku ini ( hello mane lah ade tau ok...byk sgt procedure bile masuk in house ni...nak buat sikit semua kene buat memo...haiyaaa)..i seriously hope this wld me my last job la...sni byk benefits dia..buleh pi klinik sesuke hati..tak pernah la akak ni merase pi klinik tak bwak duit, baru first time ok...so i hope there is a career advancement for me here..mane tau dalam 3, 4 tahun lagi dapat pulak jadik legal manager..tersentapp ok...
yup ittew saje adik2 buat mase nie..tgn dah lenguh ni..nak pi urut tangan jap...daaaa
August 24, 2009
chenta hatiku
yessss, chenta hatiku yg berbaju putih ittew.. the same pix yg dia letak kat album hantar 1/2 duit hantaran..buley..siap suruh edan choose lagi yg mane..sesuai la edan pilih yg muke edan cun2 sajer....
Apekah bile upload saje gambar terus keatas????? camne ni nak setting,tak nampak pun button setting metting ittew...tensionnnnn skitt..bebe, i love you for what u have made me...I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where...i just know that i love you and i cant wait to share my whole life with you.....
ramadan entry....
3rd day of Ramadan...1st day tak bgn sahur sebab biasak la kan( 2nd day aje bgn sebab weekend, ahaks)...dari zaman uia dulu dah tak bangun sahur...tak tau la pulak esok2 kalu dah kawen hubs suruh bgn n bersahur proper2 gitu...uish!..i remember, tahun lepas 2008 ( baru jumpe balik chenta hatiku itu), balik office kalau takde berbuka appointment, berbuka mengadap dinding sorang2 n pastu buley layan tido sampai pukul 10..giler pemalas nak pi terawikh kan..takde kawan la..pi sorang2 tak mencabar minda..
tahun nie i bet its gonna be a bit different sebab dah ade tunang tersayang..( bebe, kalau bace nie sure kembang kuncup...).. We plan to berbuka together-gether and terawikh afterwards..but of course la subject to bebe's schedule la kan..unlike me, working in GLC is such a heaven...1/2 hour rest and can balik at 4.40 everyday except Friday yg lagi evil balik at 4.10...yahoooooo
happy berpuasa to all..
tahun nie i bet its gonna be a bit different sebab dah ade tunang tersayang..( bebe, kalau bace nie sure kembang kuncup...).. We plan to berbuka together-gether and terawikh afterwards..but of course la subject to bebe's schedule la kan..unlike me, working in GLC is such a heaven...1/2 hour rest and can balik at 4.40 everyday except Friday yg lagi evil balik at 4.10...yahoooooo
happy berpuasa to all..
August 21, 2009
Shopping Entry No. 1
tadi dah type byk pasal title di atas suddenly tak buleh publish..sohai..kene create semula la nie...badigol hanjenggg
August 14, 2009
congrates to future MIL
morning peeps...
today is my future MIL's convo at UM..i truly believes that all her ( including the whole family members of course ) struggles, hardwork, sacrifices are all paid off..Mr F text me this morning and informed me that MIL get really excited t and i told him to ckp kat MIL bile jalan amik scroll nanti waive her hands macam beauty peagent gitu...baru kelasssss...ahaks..i still remember mine, way back in year 2004, lepas subuh terus siap, mate sepet2 ok...tertekan gua..letak eye shadow bagai tak buleh cover the kesan kesepetan itu..my parents aje yg attended my convo..my sis pulak buley the same day her reherseal convo kat UITM pulak, where next day will be hers..2 day in a row, my parents attended their daugthers's convo....me kat IIU and sis kat UITM...hope we really made our parents proud....
to future MIL- wishing u all the best in watever you do, and i believe u can also pass ur CLP paper, complete your chambering@pupillage and set up your own legal firm....please do not forget to invite me for partnership....:-)
today is my future MIL's convo at UM..i truly believes that all her ( including the whole family members of course ) struggles, hardwork, sacrifices are all paid off..Mr F text me this morning and informed me that MIL get really excited t and i told him to ckp kat MIL bile jalan amik scroll nanti waive her hands macam beauty peagent gitu...baru kelasssss...ahaks..i still remember mine, way back in year 2004, lepas subuh terus siap, mate sepet2 ok...tertekan gua..letak eye shadow bagai tak buleh cover the kesan kesepetan itu..my parents aje yg attended my convo..my sis pulak buley the same day her reherseal convo kat UITM pulak, where next day will be hers..2 day in a row, my parents attended their daugthers's convo....me kat IIU and sis kat UITM...hope we really made our parents proud....
to future MIL- wishing u all the best in watever you do, and i believe u can also pass ur CLP paper, complete your chambering@pupillage and set up your own legal firm....please do not forget to invite me for partnership....:-)
August 13, 2009
wedding prep...
white frech lace for the baju nikah,red hand bouquet for the nikah ceremony and white watever name bunga ittew for the bersanding...
this has been my favourite subject, my wedding preparation...browsing for hand bouquet la, deco la..n the list goes on..yadayada..we ( Mr Fiancee aka Mr F and i ) baru aje pun terhegeh buat survey2 barang nikah nie..pemalas kan when we already know the fact the the BIG D is just around the corner.hhhheeeeeh.tak pe rilex rilex, kawal penafasan!
u see, i always wanted a small yet classy and elegant ( mengade or what?) wedding ceremony.nikah then pi makan2 dgn guests not more than 100 kat mane2 tempat yg secluded and private gitu...tapi haruslah kepale eden ni nanti diketuk dgn senduk oleh bonda ku yg terchenta ittew..sedara-mara list aje more than 300 ( and of course perlu didouble kan lawhich is equal to 600 )..bagaimana???? so ternyata niat suci lagi murni terpaksa di delete kan terus...impian yg tidak akan sekali-kali menjadi kenyataan...well, pixs shown above are the example of a perfect hand bouquet...i love red roses and i think it will suits with my white frech lace baju nikah ( seperti yg ditunjukkan diatas )...ahhh tak suit pun i dont care...
( wah, bagaiamanakah gambar2 ittew berade diatas sajer??? - Mr F i need your help....help help )...my priority utk kawin2 nie adalah semua berkenaan dgn macamane nak mengchantekkan diriku saje..yg lain2 survey sikit2 sudah...to be continue
my first writing..yeay!!!! 13/8/2009
Assalamualaikum....hello peeps...
At last, my first ever blog...hehehehe....u see i always wanted to create my own blog ever since pandai bace blog2 others, i think almost 1 year ago....i love and i do enjoyed reading other's writings, their thought, views, experiences, memories macam2 la...their happiness, sadness, sorrowness n etc..feels like im part of them, as if i have known this people frm the time in memorial which in fact i dont..weird uhh! ...( pix shown above takde kene mengene dgn ini title...saje je tu..it was taken from my humble and ordinary camera, trip to Bali 2007)
So peeps, gimme some time to explore to chantek kan blog akak ini ok..
At last, my first ever blog...hehehehe....u see i always wanted to create my own blog ever since pandai bace blog2 others, i think almost 1 year ago....i love and i do enjoyed reading other's writings, their thought, views, experiences, memories macam2 la...their happiness, sadness, sorrowness n etc..feels like im part of them, as if i have known this people frm the time in memorial which in fact i dont..weird uhh! ...( pix shown above takde kene mengene dgn ini title...saje je tu..it was taken from my humble and ordinary camera, trip to Bali 2007)
So peeps, gimme some time to explore to chantek kan blog akak ini ok..
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