August 13, 2009

wedding prep...

white frech lace for the baju nikah,red hand bouquet for the nikah ceremony and white watever name bunga ittew for the bersanding...

this has been my favourite subject, my wedding preparation...browsing for hand bouquet la, deco la..n the list goes on..yadayada..we ( Mr Fiancee aka Mr F and i ) baru aje pun terhegeh buat survey2 barang nikah nie..pemalas kan when we already know the fact the the BIG D is just around the corner.hhhheeeeeh.tak pe rilex rilex, kawal penafasan!

u see, i always wanted a small yet classy and elegant ( mengade or what?) wedding ceremony.nikah then pi makan2 dgn guests not more than 100 kat mane2 tempat yg secluded and private gitu...tapi haruslah kepale eden ni nanti diketuk dgn senduk oleh bonda ku yg terchenta ittew..sedara-mara list aje more than 300 ( and of course perlu didouble kan lawhich is equal to 600 )..bagaimana???? so ternyata niat suci lagi murni terpaksa di delete kan terus...impian yg tidak akan sekali-kali menjadi kenyataan...well, pixs shown above are the example of a perfect hand bouquet...i love red roses and i think it will suits with my white frech lace baju nikah ( seperti yg ditunjukkan diatas )...ahhh tak suit pun i dont care...
( wah, bagaiamanakah gambar2 ittew berade diatas sajer??? - Mr F i need your help ) priority utk kawin2 nie adalah semua berkenaan dgn macamane nak mengchantekkan diriku saje..yg lain2 survey sikit2 be continue

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