how la to overcome with this penyakit ngantukness...i woke up 6am almost everyday tu tak kisah la kan tapi normally a nite before rasenya memang dah cukup tido...a good example last nite pukul 9 dah terbongkang depan tv..konon nak take a nap..tapi tapi...haruslah cayang ku itu basuh kain n siap sidai bagai....alahai...sorry bebe! edan ni kalau dah dpt tido dalam keadaan yg penat camtu mmg la kan..tak kasik can!
malam tadi bebe sorang2 tgk dvd-G.I Joe...niat dihati memang nak menemankan tapi....
sekarang kat dalam otak byk sgt perancangan utk our rumah..nak laminated floor yg penting, kitchen cabinet, n kalau buleh nak tukau tiles dalam bathroom..tgh sibuk nak adjust financial skrang nie...nak selesaikan dulu ape2 ygtertunggak only then buleh tgk sumber kewangan mencekupi ke tak..orelse kene buat sikit2 la kan..tapi tulah hati ni dah melonjak2 ketidaksabaran everytime balik keje, dah sibuk sgt terbayang2 nak rumah macamane...i just hope one day we manage to realisasikan our dreams ni la just a matter of money and time...skrang bebe dah tukau keje masuk balik ID company maka akan bertambah senang la keje2 mengsurvey nie...harap2 bebe kiki buleh mencarik ramai contact yg berguna...
pernah tak terlintas di fikiran korang,for example when u look around and nampak life org lain n suddenly this jahat illusion datang n cakap..wah , senangnye dia dapat segala-galanya kan.. perfect family, perfect home , perfect seems to be perfect utk org2 camnie...i know we are not supposed to compare our own life with others tapi seems to be easier for other people..n how i wish mine would be as easier as thing which i noticed if i want something i have to double up my effort..kalau org effortnye satu, mine kene 2, 3 kali ....but on a serious note, i would never trade my life now with is perfect for me just a matter how we look at we measure the
" perfect life" i think...but again..alhamdullillah, living this life mith my dear husband, with the loving families from both side, i wld never ask more...
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