Alhamdullillah..me and my husband found out bout this really good news on January, 17 2010. I was at that time 4 days late. Hubs dah cakap tunggu lagik seminggu tapi hati nie dah tak sabar2 nak buat camne...dah rase mcm ade something sebab all these while dari zaman anak dara tak pernah period lambat..cepat selalu...
so mlm tu kat rumah my parents we decided to beli pregnancy test and to try it at home..bile cakap kat hubs " B, kalau takde ape2, sayang jgn frust k' kite cube lagikkk, tapi actually it more memujuk hati sendiri katenya...so kitaorg pun buat lah test...hehehe luckily beli yg stripes tu n ade 2, why, kerana terover excited akak letak terbalik ok..tunggu punye tunggu takde satu linepun kuar..buleyyy??? manual cakap : wait for 1 mins and u will see 1 line = not pregnant, 2 lines, pregnant..tapi apekah kitaorg tunggu bagai nak rak dgn hati yg berdebar satu line pun tak kuar kuar..bangang kan...heheheheh
luckily hubby ku cool n bijak, dia lantas membaca semula manual n tadaaa " yang, awak letak terbalik la"....hhehehehehe..very the bongoksss
Lantas..second test pun dijalankan with the same urine...30 secs, nothing..penantian itu satu penyiksaan ok...1 mins...satu line...few secs later...jeng jeng jeng..here goes the 2nd lines.....Ya Allah..kami bersyukur n redha Ya Allah..hubby kiss kiss akak sikit n panggil mak..mak cakap kalau betul peknen nie dah nak masuk satu bulan dah nie..erkkkk tak rase ape2 pun....
zasttt terus kemas beg, balik KL n terus shoot to Clinic Idzham...and its confirmed..it was around 11pm...nampak sgt baby first kan..tak buleh tunggu sampai pagi ker??? tak BULEHHHHHHH
Now, the baby is in 7th week ( plus, minus..) we need to do ultrasound in another 2 weeks time, bile dah 8th weeks...cant wait..
Hope everything is going smooth for me and baby..To my dear Husband: thank u sooo much for ur understanding and u did help me in a lot of ways...eg: basuh baju, cleaning the house n etc...due to the fact that i cant do keje berat2 at the moment sebab hari tu ade nampak brown spot...takut sey..went to see the doctor and he said, its pretty normal but we cant take it for granted..kalau tak jage buleh miscarriage...so dah amik asid folic n satu lagi ubat utk kuatkan rahim...
Btw, mula2 dulu takde rase ape2 pregnancy symptom tapi skrang ambek kau.....uwekkk uwekkkk aje rase tekak nie..tapi selera makan thetap ade ok... alhamdullillah its not that bad...
Dear baby: mommy n daddy cant wait to see u...nampak kat monitor pun jadik lah....duduk dalam tu baik2 ok...u r strong baby and i guess both of us have started to love you...
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