April 28, 2010

20 weeks or so

i just called up Pusat Perubatan Naluri tadi,just wanted to figured out on the monthly check up..u see, dari mule2 dpt tau about my pregnancy nie, me n hubs tak pernah decide nak beranak kat mane, plus maternity tak di cover oleh employer tu kan,eh salah info, fully covered kalau beranak kat gomen hospital...

im not the type yg tak pandang hospital2 gomen nie, tapi my SIS and SIL dua2 beranak kat private hospital ( eleh taking into consideration that they were fully covered by company kan- nada2 jealous gitu)so hati ni pun melonjak2 la jugak, eventhough i believe rase sakit nak beranak tu same aje..takkan la pi beranak kat private sakit sikit pi bernak kat gomen hospital sakit byk..tipu sangat tau...so anyway, the only thing yg buat nak tukau doctor is because my current doc adalah seorang lelaki...last check up tu akak malu sikit weh time nak buat scan...hubby pun ade sekali tapi hello like i used to tayang my tummy kat orang lain selain dari hubby and yup to my mommy, and sisters ( itu diaorg dipaksa tengok perut ku yg gebu ini..harharhar)..so tadi dah discussed ngan hubs and he said oklah, no problemo!

but as at todate, tak decide pun nak bersalin kat mane lagik, kene tgk dulu condition mommy n baby and of kos again the budget la...bukan nak kedekut kene pikir jugak tu semua..bile baby dah kuar lagik byk pakai duit nanti...emmmm

baby's progress : i think i can feels when baby tendang2 or buat streching dalam perut...tegang semacam ok perut..normal time baby gerak active bile malam, after office hour..heheh siap ade time tu..buleh tak last check up haritu, doctor buat scan, and he is focusing on the tulang belakang and to check if there is any deformity..alhamdullillah, everything is fine...yayah n mommy punye excited sampai lupe nak tanye kalau2 nampak sex baby, buleh???

To Khairul Emraan or Khayrin Sofea ( pandai2 aje kan gue spell name baby camnie, tak discuss lagik nie ngan Mr. Khairul Faizal..kihkihkih)only if u can hear me and understand how precious you are..you bring happiness to Us and we are 2 grateful human being..i blessed to have you and feel you growing in my tummy...and yes, mommy and daddy cant wait to hold you..my little munchkin...

why la like that dude...

salaam peeps...

annoying sgt tau bile bukak FB ade pulak malaun mane tah buleh buat posted one album title " MY HOUSE AND CARS" ( siap tulis 's' kat car, meaning: i have more than one car okie, kau ade?)...huh pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeee la...it sooooooooooo lame dude!!!!

why la ade manusia with this kind of attitude ek? seriously i cant stand with this kind of manusia...hello unless kau tu artis ke public figure ke adelah jugak org nak kisah kan kete ape kau pakai, berapa bijik, rumah besar mane, ade garden ke tak...tapi unfortunately kau tu bukan sape2 pun tapi thetap nak tunjuk kehebatan diri katenya...umm mayb to show to semua orang dkm FB " well look at me, my house is so damn big, i got two cars..well, damn im good...better than anyonelse",,,,

entah la is it me alone yg find it very annoying..emmmmmmmmmmmmmm

April 2, 2010


bile nak beli ni...used to be my essentials products yg tak payah tunggu habis mesti kene pastikan sentiasa ade..kalau tak akak tension dik...well, however my financial budget menjadi semakin tight so sampai la nie tak dpat2 beli lagi...one complete set or skin care products from Body Shop..u see, muka akak nie tidak la dikurniakan dgn kulit yg mulus dan tulus, so product from BS helps me a lot....i miss my shooping time at BS :(...bukan mengeluh atau whinning here, but its my choice of not indulging myself ( for the time being, insyallah) when there is other priority yg lain...u know its just, its just something yg tibe2 popped up in my thought that dulu i used to belanja like anything without thinking mane yg patut dibeli...and now every single cent count. No more bershopping iku hawa nafsu syaitooon ok!...

..... homaigod, homaigod...this is a must have product..best giler sehinggakan anda tak sabar2 nak mandi n cuci muka semata2 nak pegi office nak pakai this Vitamin E mouisturizer serum ni dulu........MY FAV.


Ha ini satu lagi...Vitamin E cleanser.......sgt lembut..menjadikan kulit anda lembut seperti bayi....bau pun sodap..

...........ye, dengan membeli ini cukuplah ur skin care complete products....Vit E. moistrizer..( apekah salah eja...)...wah yg ini pun best..sgt melembapkan kulit muka...I i just loves BODY SHOP VIT E ( products lain takdelah meroyan sgt..VIT E collection aje yg best)..

THETAPI....baru lepas checked hand bag nie n baru perasan ( actually tiap2 pagi dah noticed dah...)yg sesungguhnya "THE-MOST-ESSENTIAL-ITEM-UTK-JADIKAN-AKAK-LEBIH-CHANTEK-SUDAH-SEMAKIN-MENIPIS.....drum roll please..INTRODUCING, SOMETHING TAT PUAN HAZRINNA CANT LIVE WITHOUT....

MY BOBBI BROWN COMPACT POWDER.........wawawawa....


............BOBBI BROWN EYESHADOW...i want exactly this colour.....


Hubs' birthday is just around the corner...

Last year we dont really celebrate his birthday...mengapa ya???? uit, how la day by day dah semakin teruk penyakit nie...short term memory lost..but i guess bukan short term saje..long term pun same jugak..byk sgt minum air ade semut nie...aihhhh

anyway ( suke tau mukadimah panjang2...straight to the point women!!!!) this year, same problem occured...what to plan ek???? a good and romantic dinner with hubby??? but where to go? Gosh, im really bad with choosing a good place, nanti ended up with makanan yg lousy and pricey...and addition to my dilemma, ade satu lagi " THE GIFT"..what to give???? haiyaaaaa, buleh kasik penin la ini macam...but i guess, when u have only seciput budget,,,creativity is every important *wink* *wink*....THINKK ARIN THINK...clock is ticking.....

Pagi Itu...

Morning peeps....

Pagi tadi, on our way to office and while listening to radio..siaran apetah...kuar la lagu ini...

Bila kau senyum, ku gembira
Bila kau sedih, ku menangis
Bagai taman rindukan kembang
Ku rindu wajahmu oh sayang

Di mana saja kau berada
Ku kan tetap bersamamu
Walaupun jasadku jauh
Namun hati tetap padamu

Bila saja halangan menimpa
Kerna cinta ada ku tetap setia
Hanya dikau dan asmara
Membuat hidupku bagai dalam syurga

Biar masa berganti masa
Biar pun musim berganti musim
Telah kukatakan padamu oh sayang
Hanya kuasa Tuhan dapat memisahkan

Jika kau tanya pada rembulan
Mengapa cahaya berseri-seri
Nanti jawabnya kepada mu
Kerna dikau cinta padaku

Ku persembahkan kepada mu
Sekuntum bunga mawar merah
Kau terima sambil tersenyum
Kembang yang harum kau cium

Bila saja halangan menimpa
Kerna cinta ada ku tetap setia oh...
Hanya dikau dan asmara
Membuat hidupku bagai dalam syurga

Dua insan sedang bercinta
Dua insan berjanji setia
Telah kukatakan padamu oh sayang
Hanya kuasa Tuhan dapat memisahkan

Bila kau senyum, ku gembira
Bila kau sedih, ku menangis
Bagai taman rindukan kembang
Ku rindu wajahmu oh sayang

Di mana saja kau berada
Ku kan tetap bersamamu
Walaupun jasadku jauh
Namun hatiku tetap padamu

yes, yup...well i must say me n hubby we dont have so called "our song" ( eleh u know la macam couple2 mat saleh bile cakap.." hon, this is our song, so akak pun feeling2 la nak ade satu lagi yg boleh described our feelings towards each other...so lame, but who doesnt)....but somehow unofficially this song dah jadik 'our song' gitu...pegi karaoke mesti duet..feeling2 romantik katenya...

so this morning ajaklah hubs duet lagu nie...and let me describe situation pagi tadi:

me: yang, jom duet jom..
Hubs: tanpa ade perasaan,,angguk tak geleng tak ( belasah kang..)

i was emotionally attached while singing the pompuan part( the first part)..penuh perasan...and when the lelaki part, half heartedly hubs pun nyanyi jugak...

in the middle of the performance..

me: ok tak bang saye nyanyi ( dengan harapan, hubs akan kate' oklah, sedap jugak')
tapi tapi..
hubs: awak nie tune deaf la....tak ikut tune langsung
me: eleh dia nie...u spoil my mood ok!kalau org nyanyi tak yah la nak komen2..
hubs: eleh dia yg tanye..

tapi tulah...suke tau Mr hubs mengcomment tahap ke -tune deaf akak...tapi gue dengar ok aje..best aje!aparaaaaa..dengki la tuh suara akak sedap :)

To my husband, well we might fight and verbally insulting each other every day...but the truth is it makes me love u more and more...u are my partner, my friend, my kawan memaki org lain..i have given my whole heart and soul to you, and there is nothing that i wanted in return except your love...i love yesterday, today and i hope its gonna be for eternity....