i just called up Pusat Perubatan Naluri tadi,just wanted to figured out on the monthly check up..u see, dari mule2 dpt tau about my pregnancy nie, me n hubs tak pernah decide nak beranak kat mane, plus maternity tak di cover oleh employer tu kan,eh salah info, fully covered kalau beranak kat gomen hospital...
im not the type yg tak pandang hospital2 gomen nie, tapi my SIS and SIL dua2 beranak kat private hospital ( eleh taking into consideration that they were fully covered by company kan- nada2 jealous gitu)so hati ni pun melonjak2 la jugak, eventhough i believe rase sakit nak beranak tu same aje..takkan la pi beranak kat private sakit sikit pi bernak kat gomen hospital sakit byk..tipu sangat tau...so anyway, the only thing yg buat nak tukau doctor is because my current doc adalah seorang lelaki...last check up tu akak malu sikit weh time nak buat scan...hubby pun ade sekali tapi hello like i used to tayang my tummy kat orang lain selain dari hubby and yup to my mommy, and sisters ( itu diaorg dipaksa tengok perut ku yg gebu ini..harharhar)..so tadi dah discussed ngan hubs and he said oklah, no problemo!
but as at todate, tak decide pun nak bersalin kat mane lagik, kene tgk dulu condition mommy n baby and of kos again the budget la...bukan nak kedekut kene pikir jugak tu semua..bile baby dah kuar lagik byk pakai duit nanti...emmmm
baby's progress : i think i can feels when baby tendang2 or buat streching dalam perut...tegang semacam ok perut..normal time baby gerak active bile malam, after office hour..heheh siap ade time tu..buleh tak last check up haritu, doctor buat scan, and he is focusing on the tulang belakang and to check if there is any deformity..alhamdullillah, everything is fine...yayah n mommy punye excited sampai lupe nak tanye kalau2 nampak sex baby, buleh???
To Khairul Emraan or Khayrin Sofea ( pandai2 aje kan gue spell name baby camnie, tak discuss lagik nie ngan Mr. Khairul Faizal..kihkihkih)only if u can hear me and understand how precious you are..you bring happiness to Us and we are 2 grateful human being..i blessed to have you and feel you growing in my tummy...and yes, mommy and daddy cant wait to hold you..my little munchkin...
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