June 21, 2010
Father's day..
Happy Fathers Day ayah..although im pretty sure that there is no way u will read this...but nevertheless this post i dedicated only for you:-
1) i was ur last daughter for almost 15 years before Adik came on board...i still remember vividly our family home @ selayang...rumah bernombor 1122F, we stayed there for almost 10 years, before we moved to Wangsa Maju..i cant recall our previous house prior to selayang...the only shopping center nearby was WARTA SELAYANG...and u Ayah, pegi keje @ Batu Kentomen by riding your motorbike..
2)satu hari, saye meroyan dgn hebatnya: reason: kak as dapat baju2 second hand from K.Ngah n K.chik ( cousins)..i was so jealous as none of these second hand bajus fit me..i was only 6 years back then, n kak as konon2 dah remaja..i remember, ade skirt yg cute2, ropol2 n the stuff..and for me " ilek"...and ape lagik..being me the last child, i remember i was crying like orang giler suruh ayah belikan skirt jugak....crying like mad i tell u...sampai lari2 kuar rumah..n being ayah, he brought me to WARTA n bought a very nice jeans skirt....contented!!!
3) Ayah has never menjentik us the siblings..not even once..but again being me, the rebellious type, pernah provoke ayah sampai ayah campak barang yg ade kat meja makan..u see ayah never menengking, marah n pukul2 anak2 type that some how becuse of my mulut cabul ni yg tak hengget ( i cant remember la, ape yg aku ckap kan..) sekali ayah bertukau jadik incredible hulk dah...i was so takuttt like anything..and same goes to everyone else..diam and stunned..and semua was lookin at me...hek eleh..
4) My ayah always come up either with jokes or teka-teki...and he is sooo famous dgn teka-teki yg ntahpahapetah..tapi he always made us laugh with the teka teki...and kalau balik kampung teh cousins yg selalu kene..especially mat juan... i can say that my ayah adalah sangat ceria, kelakar 24/7, and jgn harap dia nak serious for no reason...
5)i remember ade 2 kali he met with an accident..the first one, terjatuh n pitam ..the siyal part, there was a man yg konon nak tolong tapi he stole my dad's money.............celaka punye orang!...and my dad balik rumah after dia dah sedar tapi he refused to go to clinin albeit jalan dah terjengkit2..mak called me then, and i was driving like mad to go back to Nilai as fast as i can...i cried sepanjang jalan...then sampai rumah tgk ayah tido kejutkan jugak ayah n paksa pegi clinic..dapat jap and MC for couple of days...i was so worried but managed to cover up my worriness tu...but the second accident was farrrrrr teruk then the second one...received a call from K.chik satu petang and been informed that ayah dah nyawa2 ikan....astagfirullah..luckily i was with mr. boyfie aka husband la skrang..he drove me to hospital...i tried to stay tenang dlm kete and called up my sis yg tgh sarat peknen n my bro....Ya Allah, Dia sajelah yg tahu hati aku time tu..i was thinking bout my mak, n adik...n all the bad things.....i was the first one yg sampai kat hospital n dibawak straight to the emergency....i almost fainted and meraung tak hengget looking at my dad...his muka dah bengkak n darah kuar from all over his mulut...doc dah siap pakai alat bantuan pernapasan n something yg letak kat leher for patah tu.....i was crying and crying like mad...( and i am now crying while typing this..)...aku tak cukup kuat utk kehilangan my dad lagik Ya Allah, itu yg aku doa...i dont want him to die...then after few mins my bro n sis dtg...pertama kali tgk my bro meraung macam tuh n kak as, being kak as, she cried but not meraung type...God, how can she control her emotions ha????....experience yg maha takut dan mendebarkan...but alhamdullillah, ayah recovered really fast..no tulang2 patah at all..such a miracle...alhamdullillah...i pray for his keselamatan n kesihatan always...
6) and now being warga pencen gomen he stays at home with mak @ Nilai...:)
kawan bergaduh mak.....ihiks
7) Although i never say it depan2 i love u dad, no matter what...
p/s: To my husband: we will definitely celebrate this day next year with our little tots ok....love u hubs..
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