April 27, 2011

main-main saje- part 1 -

Interesting chain-mail on facebook
Rules:It's harder than it looks! Copy to your own note, erase my answers, enter yours, and tag twenty people including the person who tagged you.

Use the first letter of your name to answer each of the following questions. They have to be real...nothing made up!

IF the person before you had the same first initial, you must use different answers. You cannot use any word twice and you can't use your name for the boy/girl name question.

What is your name : HAZRINNA HUSSAIN

A four Letter Word : HEAT

A boy's Name : HAZMY

A girl's Name : HAZEL ( hahaha, perasan...)

An occupation : HOUSEWIFE ( full time??? hopefully tapi belum lagi, tunggu company hubs berjaya dulu...Aminnn)

A color : HIJAU ( yerkk, i hate hijau...i dont have any baju kurung warna hijau..bluewkkk)

Something you'll wear : HOOD ( wth????? HAHAHA)

A type of food : HALIA???? ( WTH???? takde idea lain kuar pulak)

Something found in the bathroom : Hot pants ( belang2 warna merah..auwwww)

A place : HOLLAND

A reason for being late : HAAAA, LAMBAT KE TAK PERASAN PUN ( buley cenggini??)

Something you'd shout : HOIIIIIII

A movie title : HANTU KAK LIMAH BALIK RUMAH ( hillarious, siap beli DVD...)

Something you drink : HORLICKS ( erkkk, tak suke pun...uwekkk)

A musical group : HANSON...( hahahaha, 3 org beradik tu kan....rambut panjang2 muka macam hadek2..hahahah)

An animal : HARIMAU


A type of car : HONDA CIViC TYRE R (WOW!! My favourite)

A type of fruit : WHAT HAAAAA?????????? AIYOOOOOO

The title of a song : HATI INI TELAH DILUKAI ( Err betulke..KD ngan Ajai??/)

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