June 6, 2011

The Husain clan nite out...

last saturday, the Husain clan has decided to kuar malam n menjenguk ICT...lepaking at kak as's @ Sri Petaling first..around 6pm, Apit Husain sampai SP and after maghrib terus zupp....kecoh to the max..

Khairul Faizal & Khayrin Sophia...baru sampai..parking jauh ya amat....ramai nak mamp...crowded giler...oh my...

the bro, BIL and the husband tgh busy body tgk org main lastik..tapi this lastik modern type la, ade letak lampu kocik...

sanggup beli okeh...3 for sepuluh hengget...

KF yang tgh nak test power..oh my....

haa, ambek kau....laki sape la ni..

minnie sophia mouse...hehehe

pasrah aje muka..:)

mommy gemuk in action..eh eh tapi nampak mcm kurus la pulak...

The Husain Clan...En husain, apit husain, siti noraida,ameera apit, faiz chucky and KF tiada dalam gambar...

Alya and Aunty Ayin

En Husain Jaafar & Puan Kamsiah Daud..lobing-lobing gituhh...

It was indeed a very good outing for us...budak2 la yang excited terlebih.....
looking forward to our next jalan2...mommy cuke...

* sophia being such a lovely baby all the way..no mengamuk watsoever, although ade kat ICT tu sampai midnite..ikut sape la ni kuat jalan
** balik around 12.45am kott, buley si apit husain ajak minum pulak...singgah at SS14 - tempat dating time matriks dulu nih..hiks

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