haruslah tadi kan dah kuar lagu raya....sayu gituhhh...teringat raya zaman kanak2 di kampung nan satu itu...but it was ALL HISTORY....there is no more fun, no excitement nak balik raya at kampung ever since arwah wan and arwah mak long meninggal....sedeyyy kan...and i guess its almost 6 years my whole family tak tido at our kampung, due to the certain issues which i cant reveal here..deep down in my heart i know how my mom and dad missed our kampung and the raya celebration with our big and loud family...tapi apo kan dayo....life goes on...raya kami sekeluarga now berkumpul at my parents house dulu at Nilai and raya kedua or ketiga baru balik kampung melawat la tok2 sedara n petang balik Nilai...senang!!!!
Hello management, where is the B.O.N.U.S announcement...sedeyyy la okehhh..but somehow ade la news dari pihak2 yg boleh dipercayai and i have been informed that the surat form MOF dah dpt it just a matter of time for the management to annouce it.. u better make it faster ye...
BTW raya tahun ni daku di perantauan.....tahun lepas sambil berpantang raya di Nilai so this year is the hubster pulak punye turn...first time okeh tak cium tgn mak n ayah di pagi syawal...haruslah berdrama bagai di pagi raya ni...balik rumah PIL at Senai dulu pastu baru masuk Singapore....hina tak kalau kate 3rd raya nak pegi Universal Studios...heheheh..kalau ade masa la kan.... 4th raya harus pulang ke Nilai.....
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