December 31, 2012

mak busy tapi mak takde mood nyah...

serious..i have like 7 contracts to review but since i have no mood to work today and plus due date semua jauh jauh lagik so why dont iolls makan gaji buta aje today..iolls suka sangatt..yahoooo ( matilah gaji tak berkat bulan ni....ops)

I regards whatever ive written here as my own me as my only reason to write  :-  i want to have something which i can look back and tersengih own satisfaction i must its like bercakap sorang2 dan kalau ade yg ter blog hopping and terbaca, then takpelah...

i just realise one fact and its we are getting older and wiser day by day, the only thing matter to us is our FAMILY..our parents, our spouse, our children (s), our siblings and relatives...we do have close friends tapi it just tak same mcam zaman2 study, zaman baru nak keje, zaman semua tgh would never be the same...never ever. And we might lose some friends yg dulu2 kite sgt lah ber BFF bagai..yg kadang2 buat kite confuse like bagaimanakah the relationship yg pernah di proclaimed as ' u are my bestest frend ever' tibe2 boleh hilang macam tu aje....we keep on blaiming each other, we stop calling each other and thats it....ko kawanlah berapa lama pun, tapi kalau dah tak boleh kawan jugak, nak buek camno kan...and masing2 pun membawa la haluan masing2..nak delete kat FB macam obvious sgt so masihlah si polan and polan dalam ur frend list tapi there is no " hi, how are you. oh my i miss u soo much'...gitukk..jadiklah list kawan dalam FB sajorkk...ohhh sedeyyy..but u see as wise man once say " life goes on..." jadiknya perjalanan hidup ini haruslah diteruskan jua...

Ha ni contoh: dari UIA sampai la ni...we do have other clan, different circle of frends tapi when we are together we can instantly click..magik bukan.. 
 i do admit i dont really have many close frends...kawan sekolah yg rapat ade 5 orang, kawan UIA ade 5 or 6 orang jugak and kawan keje ( ex- coll) adelah dalam 3, 4 orang...selective kah aku? tak punn, tapi diaorg ni aje yg sentiasa di sisi,..during my ups and down...i dont need kawan yg ramai, but i do need kawan yg honest, yg can accept me for who i am and vice versa...

2nd example : we dont need to call each other everyday tak perlu pun..but dgn minah ni which i have known for almost 12 years..( 2000 till present) walaupun tak call, bbm everyday, we are still of my good frend...

Gituklah ya,,ibuk-ibuk,  bapak-bapak...along our way untuk menjadi lebih matang kite mungkin keciciran kawan2..and there might be a time that we can pusing belakang dan kutip balik ape yg dah tercicir, but there are some who we just left behind ..but its okay...we just need to move on and move forward...yg keciciran di sepanjang perjalanan itu jadikanlah kenangan yg terindah
to my dearest frends, i will definitely  forever cherish our friendship ini...insha Allah...

Reminiscene of sort....

tepek gambar ajelah...

2007 - zaman bujang...

Jumpa kembali chenta hatiku -2008

Kawen la, ape lagi...-2009

of kos la mengandung pulak..alhamdullilah - 2010

Khayrin Sophia...28 weeks..kott hahah tak ingat..

Dedemok mommy....8.9.10....

Our first Raya @ Singapore 2011

Sophia's first birthday....

2nd year raya...muka mcam nak kene lempang sedass

Sophia' 2nd Birthday..

Alhamdullillah...syukran Ya Allah,,,,,,for everything.....

Welcoming 2013..

oh my..cepatnya...last day of 2012 ( and im still working menggila, n keje byk nak brain)

May 2013 be the best year for me and my family... In shaa Allah....semoga impian kami suami isteri tercapai dan semoga tubuh badanku sentiasa sihat walafiat dan semoga dapt menambahkan umat Nabi Muhammad S.A.W tahun depan...amin amin Ya rabb...

Semoga anda semua juga terus kaya dan bahagia ( hey, ko ingat orang yang kaya aje boleh bahagia...vongoks..)

p/s: Semoga lidah ku juga semakin wise dan tidak mencarut carut selalu ( well i cant help it especially when im dealing with morons...ok fine, dah ade anak, tak leh maki2 lagik..FINEEEE) ..... ( teringat ayat bff nyah ku " ko tu kan arin, mencarut dah macam berzikir..." macam lahenet molot nyah sorang ni...ops

December 28, 2012

Baby Kakak busyuk macham..

Its quite lama jugak kott takde update on kakak mamen yo itu..

anak manja intan payung yg kadang2 macam nak gigit aje peha debab tak henggat tu dah almost 2 tahun and 3 bulan...copekk ehh dah besau dedemok ni...not really sure what is the ideal time to send her to playschool....kesian dedemok duduk kat rumah babysitter tgk mamen everyday, although im quite sure thats her fav jugak tu..please la anak, mak ko macam nak termuntah tgk raksase yg fake tak ingat tu..bodoh tau ultraman ni..menciii haku...

kita layan gambar jap...

wow, anak mumy study nak exam pasal mamen esok kott...

she just lovesss book...tapi aku takdelah poyo nak beli satu set buku ape tah name series dia tu yg almost 2K...ape tah nama dia...well, its depends la kat parents jugak tapi yg paling tak masuk akal 2 tahun ko dah poyo2 paksa anak bace buku, of kos la its a good start for young todler tapi kemon la ko tu pun dulu darjah satu baru pandai baca kott....tak sabar2 nak suruh anak membaca konon anak ko aje lah lagi advance dari anak org lain....puiiii..please la mommies tak perlu lah nak compete2 sgt kot...every child is diffrent and unique in their own way...cemuih betul la....tapi well ade aku kisah kan...

ha hari tu first time la hakak dpt visit big bad wolf....huhuhu..kesian haku dah berapa kali buat baru dpt chance pegi this year..itu pun balik nilai dulu, tidokan sophia siap2 n around 10.45 bertolak frm Nilai..hambek ko...sampai sane around 11.30 org ramai lagi ekk...hubster and I time tu tak sure dia bkak sampai pagi ke ape tapi we olls redah aje lah tup tup tgk ramai kott org..

emm it was such a good experience i must say...but being me, guwe kalau dah nampak buku macam lautan cenggitu terus adrenaline rush gitukk..punyelah kawe tak tau mane nak start,,,ghupa2 nye boleh tgk kat website dia for the list of the books...


hasil tangkapan...ini aje yg dapat..

eh eh nak kuar lunch jap....melantak kat ikea...ok we sambung later later .....adiosss

ok now bersambung balik..bapak kenyang hoccay mkn kat Ikea ni, sampai terputus2 tali basically BBW we olls dpt sambar dlm 6 buku aje reason : oh my, serious haku cannot pilih la bila dah byk2 mcm meroyan bila gi shopping haku meroyan tgk buku....eversince kawen i have stop buying book, no more visit to Kino and the likes..the passion nak membaca what more la membeli buku tetiba varnish begitu saje..pasaipa tah...i think it took me nearly 2 years la jugak kott to mengembalikan the keghairahan ni slowly ive started to buy book and im back in track again...yahoooo...bestnya...and the best part i can now reading my book with my daughter sitting beside me and membace dgn bisingnya mulut dia itu asking so many " mommy,tu ape ni??? boley cenggitu...

erkk sakit perut...jamban is calling...adiosssss ( nilah dia kalau tamak tak henggat mkn menggila kat Ikea tadi...meatballs i loathe you...)

December 6, 2012

im lateeee...


Almost 3 weeks late and no sign at all.....why why why

and yes of kos ingatkan peknen tapi dah buat pregnancy test,,,NIL, one line only, ape kejadah ko tak kuar2 lagik ni....