its cme at last....i didnt see / consult any doctor (based on my own research ramai yg cakap diaorg hanya diberi pill, its like for eg u guys going to perform umrah or hajj and take pill to tahan menses but in my case doctor will give pill to kuarkan..) sebab sebab, no any specific sebab actually...saje tak pegi jumpa doctor :)
i know for sure yg i tak pregnant, and to sedapkan hati yg memang tau dah tak peknen, i did the pregnancy test, beli yg murah2 from Guardian n buat kat office...and as expected, mmg negative pun...but somehow deep down in my heart i just hoping for a miracle jugak, kot la tetiba tersangkut...
of course i want to get pregnant sha allah..hubster and i tgh bercadang2 its gonna be this year..bulan 8 onwards...hahahaha!! hamboi ko, siap bulan ko dah plan ekk...of course la uolls..mentally, physically and financially kene prepared ok...i do have some issues to settle before nak jadik pregger balik..1) wei, kene kurus sikit ni wei, kalau tak terus jadik obese okeh..cannot cannot..2) financially prepared - reason being i want to make sure kelahiran kedua nanti hanya wanita saja yg boleh meng check diriku ini...meaning pergi private hospital la..
i have learned something for 2nd issue tu yang really valuable yg i would like to share here..maybe on the next entry...something yg membuka mata n minda n something yg kite ambik mudah selama ini...something to pounder..* notetoself and to mommies out there..
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