December 17, 2009

period pain...

ouwch...dah hari yg ke5 pun still sakit perut jugak ker....why ekkk.. i never check or makan ubat tahan sakit or watsoever..i remember asking one of my good friend and hangen tak bile been informed, " tak pernah pun rase period pain"...wahhhhh, ini sudah bikin panas..unlike me, bile time period, adoiyaiiiii sampai malas nak pikir period pain ni ok..needs to deviate this pain to somewhere else skrang....

Well, early this week went for an assessment...sebenarnye utk confirmation position kat IWK nie....alhamdullillah..duly confirmed...although i must say, the wages package here is not as good as working in private sector but in other hand, with all the benefits yg diberi, one and the same thing jugak..Ilham has beeen asking me to drop my Cv kat Petronas..but knowing the career advancement there yg macam agak susah, i said nevermind..hello, who la yg forever nak jadik exec. aje kan..gimme 3, 4 years lagi and let me enhance my skills...then promotion please...senior exec..manager perhaps???? Aminnnnnnn

I did actually asked my boss, the potential la working in this water services industry..takut la wei kalau sebenarnye tak de mase depan yg cerah barulah tau yg our concession agreement with government will end thsi year, and IWK is in a midst of applying for a operator service license..meaning we will be the only company in sewerage monopoly!!!!!and my Datin Boss said our department tak buley la kecik camnie..kene besau la lagi kan........Aminnn

Ni nak citer pasal lain pulak..mlm tadi kan si busyuk masam tu penat sgt kott, bb buleh tertido sambil2 tgk TV...akak pun mcm nak layan tido jugak time tu..tapi bile teringat tak mandi n wangi2 lagi, dapur tak berkemas n tak cuci pinggan lagi akak tabahkan hati jugak bangun n mandi n buat ape2 yg patut...dlm kul 10.30 camtu akak kejutkan sayagnku suruh tido betul2...terus langkahnye panjang masuk bilik n tidooo..erkkkkk edan kejut tipu2 aje..lantas haruslah akak aje ade kat family hall n meneruskan keje harian ie. mengiron baju n etc....sungguh dan amatlah sunyi perasaan itu...ok i got it, inilah BB rase bile edan tido awal kan...ok learn my lessons perlulah kamu2 sekalian same2 berjaga n tido same ok bile dah kawen nie orelse anda akan memebuatkan pasangan anda berase sgt lonely n bored n macam nak sedih gitu sebab kene duduk sorang...kadang2 lookign back my singlehood time, it was soo much fun and nothing yg i regret but then been married it is sooooooooooo much better..heheheheh..harusla kalau tibe2 perasaan takut sampai time nak tido tu for eg, toleh aje badan sebelah dah ade org@peneman..pastu buleh peluk2 utk menghilangkan rase takut itu..heheheeh...knowing me, pada sape2 yg tau, dulu kat rumah my sista, tido bukak lampu okieyy..akak ni penakut rupenya..haruslah pulak kalau ade jiran2..( mind u bukan sebelah rumah pun..) yg take off, maulah tibe2 aku terbayang2 wajah mereka padehal tak pernah pun ingat sebelum nie..kadang2 mcm mereka-reka saje wajah mereka itu..eiiii serammmmm..bongoks of the best part been married is when u have someone to accompany u esp di waktu malam...

after been married for almost 2 mths ( next week dah 2 bln..and no im not preggy as yet..trying to conceive hard work hard..:)i just noticed that my husband adalah seorang yg sensitif..very!..yup u cant never tell someone's behaviour gitu unless u live under the same roof...and knowing me again, yg sgt la blunt aka cakap ikut sedap mulut ni kan, memangla buleh menimbulkan sedikit misunderstanding....dear hubby i am really sorry, but sometimes words just slips out from my tongue ( not mouth literally..ahaksss)..hiks alasan kah itu???? im trying really hard here not to hurt him with my words, u know sometimes dgn perkataan sajork u can kill a person u see..i am still in a process of adapting this new life and just hope for the best...for both of us..

Dear Bebe: i love you today, i love you yesterday,i'll love u tomorrow and i will love you forever...jiwang sikit sey!!

p/s: Again, i just nperasan yg contents blog ini adalah sgt random sekali...first para saje about period pain n the rest takde kene mengene langsung..tapi tapi..ADE AKU KISAHHHHHH

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