and yes i do....seriously...shes like my chenta unggul la..she makes my life 200 times lebih senang dari jadik lawyer dulu, she is soooooooooo brilliant, tak byk songeh, and i am really grateful to have her as my boss.
u see sometimes, kalau nak jumpe dia n tanye soalan2 bodoh gue agak malu la kan, tapi bile tanye, dia buleh rilex aje..kite dah siap pening2 kepala nak mengatur ayat bagai..tapi she as a boss will basically try to say something like this " alamak korang nie, take it easy la, bende kacang aje nie tak yah la nak bagik complicated kan, chill chill"..hehehe...
Dear Puan Datin,
Thank u sooo much for being the coolest boss in the world...u rocks!!!!!
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