March 9, 2010

Nursing Essentials - Part 2

ok kite proceed balik...

2) Baby Bottle..

Of kos yg paling utama kan..irregardless whether u breastfeed or bagi baby susu formula u still need to have baby bottle...the most important and crutial adalah baby bottle must be BPA free ( nak tau in details, google la sendiri..)..Avent's bottle has been classified as BPA free tapi ini org cakap la tak tau betul ke tak ( quote frm farah, Jah's wifey) Avent bottle pun bukannye BPA free it???? i need to check on this...

...tapi kan hari tu la during the BBQ gathering with hubby's clan at Jah's crib, King ade tunjuk kan bottle anak dia yg amat cute sekali..from France ( hasruslah mate akak bersinar2 melhatnya kan)..but apart from having rupa paras yg cute, according to King, puting bottle nie sgt bagus utk pembentukkan gums...and it is fully recommended by the dentist...King dah offered kate kalau nak dia buleh belikan..yahooooo akak nak!!!!
price very cheap compared to Avent( err, or maybe same harge ngan Avent????), he said $ 7 or 8 sahaja..tapi pound streling kah ???? ( salah eja, i know :))

3) baby toys:
The time from your baby's birth to when he or she turns one year old is the time when the most amazing changes take place. Baby Toys at this stage need to stimulate the senses, particularly the senses of sight, sound and touch. That's why so many baby toys at this stage are colorful, textured and make noises. The best baby toys include rattles, blocks and soft, interactive toys. Picking the right toy for baby is not easy. ( akak copy paste dari website ok...knowlegde to share with hubs actually)

Cute kan baby ittew, macam nak lempang2 aje...there are numbers of baby toys yg buleh di pilih..a good one always from fisher price ( harga sgt mencekik darah ok..* momy pengsan*)..

4) Baby Cot..
Eleh, ingat baby org melayu nie macam baby omputeh...takde makne nya nak ade baby cot sendiri ok! esok2 tengok tido jugak kat bawah ketiak momy..tapi takpelah akak tetap nak feeling2 konon2 bende alah nie sgtla essential nya...feeling saje pun...takpe!!! entah2 esok eden belikan tilam kekabu kat Kampung Kadir at Pekan Nilai aje..hehehehe..ok ape!

5) Baby bath essentials: baby shampoo, baby oil, baby stand tub, baby gloves and etc

sgt penting utk baby sentiasa wangi ok...i prefer Johnson & Johnson products ( btw our Erra Fazira pun guna J&J ok..oh my, typical me, haruskah membuat comparison begitu??? kuikuikui ) fact, myself im still using J&J punye product..mcm baby lotion, that is the reason la kan jari jemari akak sgt la lembutnye..tak caye, ask my husband..serious, betul ok!!!

6) baby clothes: haruskan akak letak no. 6..

Newborn baby clothes are abundant, it's hard not to run out and buy every cute thing hanging on the rack. However, newborn babies have very specific needs and they don't need as much as we may think. My sister said the same thing, infact she will help me to make a list of ape nak beli..heheheh cute kan..not that i am kedekut or what tapi baby kan keeps growing..akak ade jumpe satu online shooping website..cute sgt romper2baby kat sini..price: buleh tahan la, i think can only buy one or two aje..

cute kan.." Party tonite my crib 3am" hehehehehe

ade satu lagik..sgt cuteeee

...hehehe cute kan.." I cant talk yet, but i've got an attitude"

oh salah info, harganya takdelah mahal sgt RM 19.90... need to buy need to buy.. check it out at ade retail boutique lagik at TTDI..a must go place...momy cuke...

i knoww byk lagik items yg essential, will browse around and check out from other mommy post will be mommy's essentials pulak :)...


  1. aik...baju kaler pink??? Gegirl ke?

  2. Zana..uik baru nak masuk 2nd trimester, tak tau lagik gender :)
