my husband bought me BB...hehehehehe..WALAUPUN orang lain dah berzaman pakai kan,,tapi takpelah its the thought that corny as it is..yes, i am addicted to BB...BBM 24/7, FB, unlimited internet connection....HEAVENN...emmm moi lovessss BB....hik hik hik
March 29, 2011
such an idiot....
geram like anything...hello i am also working in GLC okeh tapi takdelah teruk n jahanam sangattt perangai macam kau, kau and kau..macam doesnt make any sense just because PIC yg handling port folio tu pegi umrah, then u asked me to wait as there is no oneelse can entertain me...bloody helll..kau memang patut kene complaint okeh...please la mcm mane public nak appreciate keje org gomen if our attitude like this la dude..sebab kau plain pemalas nak mampus ni la rosak teruk nama and image orang2 gomen ( although im not literally, gomen staff per se, tapi kalau name company camnie XXXX ( company under Minister of Finance Incorporated) maka haruslah kene tempias dia sekali okeh...i was from the the private practise whereas being a lawyer in the most kiasu firm we need to accomodate semua la requests from everybody...not only ur superior boss, your immediate boss, ur senior tapi perasan mcm boss, clerk lapuk tapi mcm boss, but most importantly your clients...
Any phone call kene jawab dgn cerdik n kalau tak buleh jawab amik inisiatif dgn kate " ill call u shortly as i need to consult my senior for confirmation..or something like that..tapi jgn sampai nampak mcm lawyer bodoh pulak kalau bende simple pun kau nak mintak senior punye opinion kan....we have been trained to be professional....( emmm kate kauuu)
So gomen agencies, pleasa la, change ur attitude and mentality..tak perlu jawab call macam orang nak mati gamak nya..n tak perlu setiap pertanyaan semua nya kau tak tahu kan, asyik meng pass kan line but in the end no one knows bout anything.....memang bodokkk siakkk ok!!!
Transformation.....Dude, ( yg katenya penolong jurutera, di jabatan kejuruteraan, Majlis Perbandaran XXXX) U NEED IT BADLY.....
geram like anything...hello i am also working in GLC okeh tapi takdelah teruk n jahanam sangattt perangai macam kau, kau and kau..macam doesnt make any sense just because PIC yg handling port folio tu pegi umrah, then u asked me to wait as there is no oneelse can entertain me...bloody helll..kau memang patut kene complaint okeh...please la mcm mane public nak appreciate keje org gomen if our attitude like this la dude..sebab kau plain pemalas nak mampus ni la rosak teruk nama and image orang2 gomen ( although im not literally, gomen staff per se, tapi kalau name company camnie XXXX ( company under Minister of Finance Incorporated) maka haruslah kene tempias dia sekali okeh...i was from the the private practise whereas being a lawyer in the most kiasu firm we need to accomodate semua la requests from everybody...not only ur superior boss, your immediate boss, ur senior tapi perasan mcm boss, clerk lapuk tapi mcm boss, but most importantly your clients...
Any phone call kene jawab dgn cerdik n kalau tak buleh jawab amik inisiatif dgn kate " ill call u shortly as i need to consult my senior for confirmation..or something like that..tapi jgn sampai nampak mcm lawyer bodoh pulak kalau bende simple pun kau nak mintak senior punye opinion kan....we have been trained to be professional....( emmm kate kauuu)
So gomen agencies, pleasa la, change ur attitude and mentality..tak perlu jawab call macam orang nak mati gamak nya..n tak perlu setiap pertanyaan semua nya kau tak tahu kan, asyik meng pass kan line but in the end no one knows bout anything.....memang bodokkk siakkk ok!!!
Transformation.....Dude, ( yg katenya penolong jurutera, di jabatan kejuruteraan, Majlis Perbandaran XXXX) U NEED IT BADLY.....
March 19, 2011
gigihnya aku
testing testing..hiks! Gigih la katenya nak hupdate pakai BB katenya...kite test dulu hokeh
March 14, 2011
interview, sophia and farley rusks..
Got a second call for an interview with company X on this coming Wednesday...second interview ni with HR deprt..sure la macam haraaam kan..based from my own experience kan, HR sure tough giler, Questions mcm watever..i have had my worst nightmare interview session dgn MICS HR dept...i kinda good with the 1st one, ie with legal team..konon2 dah passed la..second round dgn HR...i have to answered more than 100 QnA, essay on wat not within short period of time....korang ni giler ke hape..haprak sey...finished with the QnA n proceeded with the real interview with HR team..sorang pompuan and sekor lagik lelaki...kene buat role play yg of kos subject matter utk berlakon tu macam WATEVER...with a big W okeh....ok fine memang dah rase gagal di situ ye....few days later got a call from the HOD legal..sabo ajelah..sebab dia kate her legal team quite happy with me and apparently i failed miserably dlm interview wih HR..hehe kan dah cakp...worst part terlambat dtg mase jumpe HOD ni, sebab kalau tak salah time tu ade meeting ngan panel lawyer...bad first impression thats is....emmmm in the end I DIDNT GET tht Job pun...serious that was interview yg paling jahanam sgt rase....mcm haraaammmm
so i dont really put my hope la....kalau ade rezeki for me n family..dapatla..wish me luck :)
bTw my sophia dah 6 mths and 6 days...and somehow dia sangat susah nak minum susu..kadang2 sampai 5 ,6 jam dia tak minum susu...why la sayangg..susu tak sedap ke?? make me risau like anything okehhhh..tgh nak pikir samade nak tukau formula...
and i guesss she lovesss heinz farley rusks..bile kasik 2 keping biskut tu,rase mcm tak cukup aje...and bile suapkan tu mulut dia bising as if dia cakap camnie " emmm mummy, bestla mummy..saye suke la mummy..." so skrnag mommy tgh pening nak buat research ape lagi yg buleh kasik..btw, mommy takde chance lagi nak buat apple puree ke, pisang lenyek ke...emmm bad bad..asyik kasik anak makan makanan dlm tin aje kan....
Got a second call for an interview with company X on this coming Wednesday...second interview ni with HR deprt..sure la macam haraaam kan..based from my own experience kan, HR sure tough giler, Questions mcm watever..i have had my worst nightmare interview session dgn MICS HR dept...i kinda good with the 1st one, ie with legal team..konon2 dah passed la..second round dgn HR...i have to answered more than 100 QnA, essay on wat not within short period of time....korang ni giler ke hape..haprak sey...finished with the QnA n proceeded with the real interview with HR team..sorang pompuan and sekor lagik lelaki...kene buat role play yg of kos subject matter utk berlakon tu macam WATEVER...with a big W okeh....ok fine memang dah rase gagal di situ ye....few days later got a call from the HOD legal..sabo ajelah..sebab dia kate her legal team quite happy with me and apparently i failed miserably dlm interview wih HR..hehe kan dah cakp...worst part terlambat dtg mase jumpe HOD ni, sebab kalau tak salah time tu ade meeting ngan panel lawyer...bad first impression thats is....emmmm in the end I DIDNT GET tht Job pun...serious that was interview yg paling jahanam sgt rase....mcm haraaammmm
so i dont really put my hope la....kalau ade rezeki for me n family..dapatla..wish me luck :)
bTw my sophia dah 6 mths and 6 days...and somehow dia sangat susah nak minum susu..kadang2 sampai 5 ,6 jam dia tak minum susu...why la sayangg..susu tak sedap ke?? make me risau like anything okehhhh..tgh nak pikir samade nak tukau formula...
and i guesss she lovesss heinz farley rusks..bile kasik 2 keping biskut tu,rase mcm tak cukup aje...and bile suapkan tu mulut dia bising as if dia cakap camnie " emmm mummy, bestla mummy..saye suke la mummy..." so skrnag mommy tgh pening nak buat research ape lagi yg buleh kasik..btw, mommy takde chance lagi nak buat apple puree ke, pisang lenyek ke...emmm bad bad..asyik kasik anak makan makanan dlm tin aje kan....
useless nya kamu....
heading tu ditujukan utk diri sendiri ye..yours truly ni memang tak buleh ikut schedule la...dah banyak kali nak buat 30 days challenge tapi hampeh...n its proven i annouce tht 30 days challenge tu dibatalkan..null and void due to my lack of capabilities to update blog hari-hari..hiksss..
March 9, 2011
Day 6 – A song to match your mood. kott..sebab tibe2 teringat kan fofia :(...
Setiap nafas yang dihembus
Setiap degupan jantung
Aku selalu memikirkanmu
Dalam sedar dibuai angan
Dalam tidur dan khayalan
Aku selalu memikirkanmu
Ternyata ku perlukan cinta dari dirimu sayang
Barulah terasa ku bernyawa
Kasihku…ku amat mencintai kamu
Kerana kau beri erti hidup
Ku kan terus mencinta sedetik lebih selepas selamanya
Di kala penuh ketakutan dengan badai kehidupan
Ku bersyukur adanya kamu
Biarlah kehilangan semua yang dimiliki di dunia
Asal masih adanya kamu...
Setiap nafas yang dihembus
Setiap degupan jantung
Aku selalu memikirkanmu
Dalam sedar dibuai angan
Dalam tidur dan khayalan
Aku selalu memikirkanmu
Ternyata ku perlukan cinta dari dirimu sayang
Barulah terasa ku bernyawa
Kasihku…ku amat mencintai kamu
Kerana kau beri erti hidup
Ku kan terus mencinta sedetik lebih selepas selamanya
Di kala penuh ketakutan dengan badai kehidupan
Ku bersyukur adanya kamu
Biarlah kehilangan semua yang dimiliki di dunia
Asal masih adanya kamu...
March 8, 2011
DAY 3, 4 and 5...buleyyy???
huh dah sah2 30 days challenge nie dah failed kan...tapi takpelah....
emmm, this is a bit susah...i dont have any idea wat is the perfect first date with dear hubby was way back in year 1998 kott...rasenya la kan ( correct me kalau salah ye yang..)first time kuar dia ajak pegi BSC tapi Ammar tagged it wasnt first date kan...emmm emm recall recall..mane ye our first date????? 16.2.1998 ( or was it 1999???) - KLCC..(setelah berminit2 berpikir okeh..byk sgt mkn semut nihh)..yup yup...betul la kott..went to watched a movie " Meet Joe Black"..kihkihkih buleh ingat tu..nothing fancy but i guess it was a time, first time in fact yg kita org betul2 bercakap..sessi taaruf la gitu...after movie pegi Mc D kat CM..i guess that my perfect first date...nothing than an oppurtunity to get to know each other....
DAY 4: Your favorite photograph of your best friend
She's the sweetest.....
my good friend since Uni time....
and both with time fliessss
Day 5 – What makes you different from everyone else
my high pitch voice and " the laugh"kott...sebab mase kat Uni people can actually recognised me bile dgr suara n gelak aje..u dont really need to see my face..buleh gituhhh...mcm bongok kan...i believe my distinctive voice+ laugh nie yg buatkan i fofular gitu lantas terus dpt vote paling tinggi utk kategori dlm LawGrads magazine " the weirdest laugh"...kurang asammm sangat
emmm, this is a bit susah...i dont have any idea wat is the perfect first date with dear hubby was way back in year 1998 kott...rasenya la kan ( correct me kalau salah ye yang..)first time kuar dia ajak pegi BSC tapi Ammar tagged it wasnt first date kan...emmm emm recall recall..mane ye our first date????? 16.2.1998 ( or was it 1999???) - KLCC..(setelah berminit2 berpikir okeh..byk sgt mkn semut nihh)..yup yup...betul la kott..went to watched a movie " Meet Joe Black"..kihkihkih buleh ingat tu..nothing fancy but i guess it was a time, first time in fact yg kita org betul2 bercakap..sessi taaruf la gitu...after movie pegi Mc D kat CM..i guess that my perfect first date...nothing than an oppurtunity to get to know each other....
DAY 4: Your favorite photograph of your best friend
She's the sweetest.....
my good friend since Uni time....
and both with time fliessss
Day 5 – What makes you different from everyone else
my high pitch voice and " the laugh"kott...sebab mase kat Uni people can actually recognised me bile dgr suara n gelak aje..u dont really need to see my face..buleh gituhhh...mcm bongok kan...i believe my distinctive voice+ laugh nie yg buatkan i fofular gitu lantas terus dpt vote paling tinggi utk kategori dlm LawGrads magazine " the weirdest laugh"...kurang asammm sangat
March 4, 2011
March 3, 2011
30 days challenge
Day 1 — Your favorite song
Day 2 — Your favorite movie
Day 3 – Your idea of the perfect first date.
Day 4 – Your favorite photograph of your best friend.
Day 5 – What makes you different from everyone else?
Day 6 – A song to match your mood.
Day 7 – A photo of an animal you’d love to keep as a pet.
Day 8 – Your dream wedding.
Day 9 – A photo of the item you last purchased.
Day 10 – A photo of your favorite place to eat.
Day 11 – A picture of your favorite memory
Day 12 – Your current relationship, if single discuss how single life is.
Day 13 – A picture of your favorite band or artist
Day 14 – A TV show you’re currently addicted to.
Day 15 – Something you don’t leave the house without.
Day 16 – Short term goals for this month and why
Day 17 – How you hope your future will be like.
Day 18 – 5 things that irritate ME about opposite/same sex
Day 19 – A picture of something you want to do before you die
Day 20 – The meaning behind your blog name.
Day 21 – A photo of something that makes you happy.
Day 22 – A letter to someone who has hurt you recently.
Day 23 – 15 facts about you.
Day 24 – A photo of something that means a lot to you.
Day 25 – Who are you?
Day 26 – A photo of somewhere you want to go.
Day 27 – What kind of person attracts you?
Day 28 – In this past month, what have you learned?
Day 29 – Something you could never get tired of doing.
Day 30 – A photograph of yourself today + three good things that have happened in the past 30 days...
takde keje here goes:-
emmm what ekk??? i must say my music preference ikut mood and musim. when i was young ( eh dah tua bebenor ke kau??) way back in year 1996-1997..saye suke backstreet boys..hehehehe...cute sekali!!as long as you love me baby..crazyyyy sangat..suke suke Nick..lepastu bile masuk UIA matrix 1998 my husband ( time tu BF la kan ...)kasik lagu Cherish by Papabear...tak pernah pun dgr the original version, but papabear's version nie i guess much more better..tak lembab sangat!!! Mr Boyfriend also bagi another song All cried out by Allure feat all time favourite...pastu pulak ade satu time tersuke giler mandy moore- I wanna me with you...emmmm suke suke...
But if i have to choose my favourite song then it would be none other than ALL CRIED OUT.....
Day 2 — Your favorite movie
Day 3 – Your idea of the perfect first date.
Day 4 – Your favorite photograph of your best friend.
Day 5 – What makes you different from everyone else?
Day 6 – A song to match your mood.
Day 7 – A photo of an animal you’d love to keep as a pet.
Day 8 – Your dream wedding.
Day 9 – A photo of the item you last purchased.
Day 10 – A photo of your favorite place to eat.
Day 11 – A picture of your favorite memory
Day 12 – Your current relationship, if single discuss how single life is.
Day 13 – A picture of your favorite band or artist
Day 14 – A TV show you’re currently addicted to.
Day 15 – Something you don’t leave the house without.
Day 16 – Short term goals for this month and why
Day 17 – How you hope your future will be like.
Day 18 – 5 things that irritate ME about opposite/same sex
Day 19 – A picture of something you want to do before you die
Day 20 – The meaning behind your blog name.
Day 21 – A photo of something that makes you happy.
Day 22 – A letter to someone who has hurt you recently.
Day 23 – 15 facts about you.
Day 24 – A photo of something that means a lot to you.
Day 25 – Who are you?
Day 26 – A photo of somewhere you want to go.
Day 27 – What kind of person attracts you?
Day 28 – In this past month, what have you learned?
Day 29 – Something you could never get tired of doing.
Day 30 – A photograph of yourself today + three good things that have happened in the past 30 days...
takde keje here goes:-
emmm what ekk??? i must say my music preference ikut mood and musim. when i was young ( eh dah tua bebenor ke kau??) way back in year 1996-1997..saye suke backstreet boys..hehehehe...cute sekali!!as long as you love me baby..crazyyyy sangat..suke suke Nick..lepastu bile masuk UIA matrix 1998 my husband ( time tu BF la kan ...)kasik lagu Cherish by Papabear...tak pernah pun dgr the original version, but papabear's version nie i guess much more better..tak lembab sangat!!! Mr Boyfriend also bagi another song All cried out by Allure feat all time favourite...pastu pulak ade satu time tersuke giler mandy moore- I wanna me with you...emmmm suke suke...
But if i have to choose my favourite song then it would be none other than ALL CRIED OUT.....
March 1, 2011
Fofia mummy itu.....
Peeps..quick updates: HER FIRST.....
a) FIRST SOLID : She already started her solid on 19 February 2011. bagi makan cerelac aje pun...she hasnt reach 6 mth but poor little baby macam dah ready to makan..she got really excited and enthusiasm when she sees others makan or kunyah2 we the parents decided, okah takpelah tak yah la tunggu umur 6 bulan..she started makan when she was 5 mth and 11 her photo on her 1st attemp..dlm hp hubby ler pulak...
b) FIRST SWIMMING SESSION : chekkidout the pixxies...swimming suit courtesy from aunty Meedah Natchiar
hehehehe cute bro, sis, BIL, nephew and nieces macam biasa aktiviti weekened diaorg berpoya2 at my house sebab nak mandi2 hari tu tah macam mane we decided to bawak fofia turun mandi swimming pool..before that of kos la mummy kepochi dah buat research la kan to make sure that it is not too early to bring my baby...mummy dan babah was a bit scared if she jerit2 takut air..but surprisingly she didnt cried at all...good baby, good baby..mummy impressed...she main2 air, splash air to her muka...precious moment...
c) FIRST BEACH HOLIDAY....BEACH BUMM: The whole Husain's clan went for our long awaited holiday on 25/2/2011....dah lame giler tak pegi holiday sama mcm nie...the SIL booked the usual apartment at Regency Tanjung Tuan.....first holiday for sophia....She was 24/7 excited and main2 all the time with the merengek2 at all...i bought bathrobe jugak utk fofia from Ogival...super cute...first day sampai dah petang so terus bersiap for dinner..again, she didnt throw her one happy mummy..we were at the dinner place untul late nite, balik tu terus day, pagi2 around 9am dah turun pool...and again, she got really excited..( pixxies dlm camera mama ngah la pulak)...dlm 30 mins bawak naik, tukar baju, pakaikan bathrobe, kasik susu and zzzzzzzz in lala land..suka la tu, sea breeze day pun fofia masuk pool lagi...waiting for our second holiday..and more to come..Insyallah...
Ok, back to work.....adios...
a) FIRST SOLID : She already started her solid on 19 February 2011. bagi makan cerelac aje pun...she hasnt reach 6 mth but poor little baby macam dah ready to makan..she got really excited and enthusiasm when she sees others makan or kunyah2 we the parents decided, okah takpelah tak yah la tunggu umur 6 bulan..she started makan when she was 5 mth and 11 her photo on her 1st attemp..dlm hp hubby ler pulak...
b) FIRST SWIMMING SESSION : chekkidout the pixxies...swimming suit courtesy from aunty Meedah Natchiar
hehehehe cute bro, sis, BIL, nephew and nieces macam biasa aktiviti weekened diaorg berpoya2 at my house sebab nak mandi2 hari tu tah macam mane we decided to bawak fofia turun mandi swimming pool..before that of kos la mummy kepochi dah buat research la kan to make sure that it is not too early to bring my baby...mummy dan babah was a bit scared if she jerit2 takut air..but surprisingly she didnt cried at all...good baby, good baby..mummy impressed...she main2 air, splash air to her muka...precious moment...
c) FIRST BEACH HOLIDAY....BEACH BUMM: The whole Husain's clan went for our long awaited holiday on 25/2/2011....dah lame giler tak pegi holiday sama mcm nie...the SIL booked the usual apartment at Regency Tanjung Tuan.....first holiday for sophia....She was 24/7 excited and main2 all the time with the merengek2 at all...i bought bathrobe jugak utk fofia from Ogival...super cute...first day sampai dah petang so terus bersiap for dinner..again, she didnt throw her one happy mummy..we were at the dinner place untul late nite, balik tu terus day, pagi2 around 9am dah turun pool...and again, she got really excited..( pixxies dlm camera mama ngah la pulak)...dlm 30 mins bawak naik, tukar baju, pakaikan bathrobe, kasik susu and zzzzzzzz in lala land..suka la tu, sea breeze day pun fofia masuk pool lagi...waiting for our second holiday..and more to come..Insyallah...
Ok, back to work.....adios...
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