March 29, 2011

such an idiot....


geram like anything...hello i am also working in GLC okeh tapi takdelah teruk n jahanam sangattt perangai macam kau, kau and kau..macam doesnt make any sense just because PIC yg handling port folio tu pegi umrah, then u asked me to wait as there is no oneelse can entertain me...bloody helll..kau memang patut kene complaint okeh...please la mcm mane public nak appreciate keje org gomen if our attitude like this la dude..sebab kau plain pemalas nak mampus ni la rosak teruk nama and image orang2 gomen ( although im not literally, gomen staff per se, tapi kalau name company camnie XXXX ( company under Minister of Finance Incorporated) maka haruslah kene tempias dia sekali okeh...i was from the the private practise whereas being a lawyer in the most kiasu firm we need to accomodate semua la requests from everybody...not only ur superior boss, your immediate boss, ur senior tapi perasan mcm boss, clerk lapuk tapi mcm boss, but most importantly your clients...

Any phone call kene jawab dgn cerdik n kalau tak buleh jawab amik inisiatif dgn kate " ill call u shortly as i need to consult my senior for confirmation..or something like that..tapi jgn sampai nampak mcm lawyer bodoh pulak kalau bende simple pun kau nak mintak senior punye opinion kan....we have been trained to be professional....( emmm kate kauuu)

So gomen agencies, pleasa la, change ur attitude and mentality..tak perlu jawab call macam orang nak mati gamak nya..n tak perlu setiap pertanyaan semua nya kau tak tahu kan, asyik meng pass kan line but in the end no one knows bout anything.....memang bodokkk siakkk ok!!!

Transformation.....Dude, ( yg katenya penolong jurutera, di jabatan kejuruteraan, Majlis Perbandaran XXXX) U NEED IT BADLY.....

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