March 14, 2011

interview, sophia and farley rusks..


Got a second call for an interview with company X on this coming Wednesday...second interview ni with HR deprt..sure la macam haraaam kan..based from my own experience kan, HR sure tough giler, Questions mcm watever..i have had my worst nightmare interview session dgn MICS HR dept...i kinda good with the 1st one, ie with legal team..konon2 dah passed la..second round dgn HR...i have to answered more than 100 QnA, essay on wat not within short period of time....korang ni giler ke hape..haprak sey...finished with the QnA n proceeded with the real interview with HR team..sorang pompuan and sekor lagik lelaki...kene buat role play yg of kos subject matter utk berlakon tu macam WATEVER...with a big W okeh....ok fine memang dah rase gagal di situ ye....few days later got a call from the HOD legal..sabo ajelah..sebab dia kate her legal team quite happy with me and apparently i failed miserably dlm interview wih HR..hehe kan dah cakp...worst part terlambat dtg mase jumpe HOD ni, sebab kalau tak salah time tu ade meeting ngan panel lawyer...bad first impression thats is....emmmm in the end I DIDNT GET tht Job pun...serious that was interview yg paling jahanam sgt rase....mcm haraaammmm

so i dont really put my hope la....kalau ade rezeki for me n family..dapatla..wish me luck :)

bTw my sophia dah 6 mths and 6 days...and somehow dia sangat susah nak minum susu..kadang2 sampai 5 ,6 jam dia tak minum susu...why la sayangg..susu tak sedap ke?? make me risau like anything okehhhh..tgh nak pikir samade nak tukau formula...

and i guesss she lovesss heinz farley rusks..bile kasik 2 keping biskut tu,rase mcm tak cukup aje...and bile suapkan tu mulut dia bising as if dia cakap camnie " emmm mummy, bestla mummy..saye suke la mummy..." so skrnag mommy tgh pening nak buat research ape lagi yg buleh kasik..btw, mommy takde chance lagi nak buat apple puree ke, pisang lenyek ke...emmm bad bad..asyik kasik anak makan makanan dlm tin aje kan....

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