December 30, 2009

small calcaneal spur noted on my right foot

ye bende inilah yg telah membuatkan idupku ini kian huru hara..huru hara bile nak jalan di waktu pagi lepas bangun dari tido..........sakitnye macam bise2 di tumit gitu...i've went to Pantai MC for a x-ray last monday n baru dapat tau pasal bende ni lah...tapi kaedahnye kene refer balik pade clinic kat offic nie and unfortunately the doctor is only available on 5th January 2010...terpaksala akak makan pain killer sajorkkk...

serious tak tau ape treatment heel spur nie??? either jap tu surutkan the inflamation, or buying new shoe (s)....last resort would be small surgery to remove the spur my case takde teruk sangat sampai kene buat surgery kott...hopefully!

December 21, 2009

A word sometimes can kill a person, and your word just did....


honestly, idup rase sunyi when no one to share with even just for a nite...and suddenly something strikes my mind...are we like this 10 years ago???? are we always pick up on fighting over a small, tiny thing??? are we?? are we????...and its scared me alot....A LOT!!!!! i wish i never hurt him with my words and how i wish he never hurt me with his...

December 17, 2009

A journey of happiness...

2 entry in a same day...nampak sgt makan gaji buto..not my fault...boss is not around..yeayyy..poyokah title post ittew..sebenarnye salah title kott, yg ade kat fikiran actually mane tempat lagi yg TERSANGATTTTTTTTT LA NAK PEGIIIII..but financial constraint..kecian kannnn

I have been to several places...Asean countries ade ( tak banyak punnn), benua australia pun ade ( satu tempat sajorkkk, arghh malu nak citer)...lists are as follows:

1) SARAWAK- KUCHING to be exact.....i know i know...malaysia jugak kan tapi the ambience bile pi sane lain bah..ops sorry ckp sabah pulak..pastu bile sampai kene isik immigration form tu yg rase2 mcm pegi negara lain tu..heheheh...went there with my good friend Sarah n melawat other friends..time tu diaorg ni newlywed, Faizi & Hameedah...besttttt sebabnye accomodation free n most of time kite pegi jalan dibawe oleh Faizi..Good host good host! It was hari raye bile kitaorg sampai, n Faizi buleh bawak kamik pegi beraye kat rumah kenalan dia ok!!! sabau ajelah..went to santubong, waterfront kat kuching and mane tah lagi...punye lah tak a lot of till my money drop!!! pegi naik MAS sebab sarah's mom tak percaye kat AA...jap eh akak nak try upload gambau satu persatu nie... ( ha tu gambao dgn Cik sarah, pegi dinner kat mane tah si meedah bawak..gambo lain tarakkkk...)

2) BALI- ..first time pegi over the sea katenya..akak jakun sikit ye trip..tak kisah la asalkan fully paid...sukenya hatikuuuuu...siap buat performance lagi tu ok! it was soooo much fun and i had a really good tak henggat lagi kat sini..almaklumlah first time pegi obersea..over sgt tau..jakun macam ape tah...places yg aku still ingat la, we went to Tanah Lot bukan Tanah rata, tanah rata kat Cameron, Sukawati market ( tempat akak bershopping tak henggat2 tuh)andddd entahhhhhh aku pun tak ingat pegi mane...our hotel betul kat tgh2 Kuta tu so ade satu malam me and the fun gang berjalan kaki sajork masuk Hard Rock...dah la pakai selipar tapi disebabkan sebelum tu kitaorg bershopping kat Hard Rock Hotel tu beli T-shirt2 bagai so dapat 6 pass masuk...akak pakai suar pendek,T-shirt bali n selipar aje yek..tapi bosan macam apetah kat sini kite orgtakde pun menari2 di dance floor itu..duduk kejap aje n blah..jalan kaki balik hotel tapi singgah jap kat tempat kene letup dulu tuh...kan diaorg dah siap bine memorial kat situ, tulis name2 org yg terkorban..but still meremang bulu roma skittt bile kat sini, i tell u...roh2 mereka masih berkeliaran dan menumpang enjoy di club2 yg bersepah2 kat sini agaknye..heheheeh...meh tgk gambo meh..satu cukuplah..
( gambo kat Tanah Lot..feeling2 jadik model gitu, ihiksss

3) Medan- Indonesia.....huk aloh..huk aloh..penat nak mampussssssss jouney ke Medan..bukan perjalanan dari M'sia tu Medan tapi dari airport to lake toba...nak mampossssss lamenya weiiii mcm KL ke Kelantan...pegi ngan K.lang n the group, mak n nabilah..saje aje sebenarnya bawak diaorg jalan2....tapi Ya ampun, the first and the last kottt pegi sini...dah lame pegi 3 hari aje so penat sebab duduk lame dalam bus...first day ke Lake Toba dah la sampai dah malam n hotel kat situ sebenarnye gak horror..betul2 mengadap lake yg amat besauuuu itu...besau punyeeeeee..hee takut kuar naga..hotel macam cap ayam sebabheater takde n suhu aiseyman sgtlaaaaa sejukkk..feeling 2 pegi Europe katenya..second day pegi mane tah ( seperti biasa, daya ingatan akak agak lembab sikit..hotel kat sini ala2 mewah gitu on the way to hetel tim etu tgh remang2 senja dapat tgk matahari terbenam kat celah2 gunung berapi..chantekkk tapi ta mane tah gambaunyeeee...tapi kesian la kan keadaan sosio ekonomi populasi kat sane, ade stu tempat tu tak silap samosir island kott, dah la jauhh kampungnye, so kalau ade org datang diaorg buleh tarikkk kite suruh beli barang..eiiii serammm lagi..kat sini yg aku ingat akak belikan ashtray bentuk tgn kat Bebe..conclusion: nice place tapi disebabkan journey yg terlalu panjang..potong stimmm terussss
...( cruise to samosir Island with my baby sista..baru ingat, akak lupe bawak suar jeans balik Nilai time nie..jadik edan terpaksa bawak suar pendek duk rumah pakai kat medan..haruslah ibuk ku pandang dgn sinis skali....ampunnnn)

Seterusnya..kite merentasi benua lain..ini yg paling jauh la setakat ini:

4) SYDNEY-AUSTRALIA...sgttttttttttttttt best! i went there with sarah (again ) n her 2008 raye Ke- 6 ( citer pasal sydney, bebe ku itu sure tersenyum2....tak gitu Be)..ini macam ala2 impian ke negara org puteh menjadik kenyataan la..yg ingat sampai aje letak beg mandi n terus kuar..terus pegi Sydney opera House...jetlag semua takde ni..punyelah jakun again macam apetah lagikkkk...wah, time tu dah nak masuk summer tapi angin still sepoi bahasa yg membuatkan badan seram sejuk gitu..ala2 duduk dlm bilik ade aircond sajork gamaknye tapi akak tetap feeling macam sejuk lantas memakai la jacket @ baju dua lapis yg kalau kat KL kalau pakai org kate aku memang gilos kann...been to so many places..hari pertama kedua n ketiga n keempat berjalan sajorkkk...ive been to circular quay, Sydney Olimpic park, Blue mountain, Leura Village, naik bot dari manetah balik ke circular Quay sambil feelng2 macam Kate winslet duduk depan2 tuh..wah bestttttt sgt...time tu currency exchange dalam 2.87 camtu..akak hanye mampu tukau RM 1, dapat la Aussie dollar dalam 400 camtu..belikan la ape2 yg mampu utk semua org ( Bebe n Mama pun dapat something...Be, mane baju T-shirt merah tu tak nampak pun bebe pakai lagikkk..grrrrrr)..bestttt bestttt...nothing more to say except bestttttttt
...conclusion: nak pegi lagik: tapi kali nie nak pegi dgn Bebe tersayang....

....( chantek gambo akak tu..:)

5) SINGAPORE ...heheh ini sebenarnye lebih kurang balik kampung for my hubs' family...neneknye di singapore kan....i lovessss Singapore...lebih kurang 3 kali kott dah masuk sane..nak kumpul duit utk masuk Movie World kat Sentosa which is expected to open in April next year...wah ...cant waittt...conclusion: saye sukeeeee sgtttt...buleh pegi bile2 mase pun..tapi plan ngn sayagn nak pegi hornymoon kat sentosa...ntah bile la tapiiiii

itu ajelah pun tempat yg dah pernah jejak kan kaki...tak kire la kan kalau org lain dah samapi ke benua africa sekalipun ( ye bebe, saye tau abg nak sampai ke Sudan, Dubai bagai..tak jealous pun...hehehehehe)...

tapi tulah satu tempatttt ini lagi yg nak pegi tapi tak tau bile...LONDONNNNNN...i know, melayu tok tok sgt kan kalau dream vacation nak pegi London tapi ade aku kisah..suka atilahhhhhh....nak berase masuk Harrods, nak jalan2 di persisir Thames River, berjalan2 di Trafalgar Square...Kensington Palace..n etc etc...emmmmmmmm

period pain...

ouwch...dah hari yg ke5 pun still sakit perut jugak ker....why ekkk.. i never check or makan ubat tahan sakit or watsoever..i remember asking one of my good friend and hangen tak bile been informed, " tak pernah pun rase period pain"...wahhhhh, ini sudah bikin panas..unlike me, bile time period, adoiyaiiiii sampai malas nak pikir period pain ni ok..needs to deviate this pain to somewhere else skrang....

Well, early this week went for an assessment...sebenarnye utk confirmation position kat IWK nie....alhamdullillah..duly confirmed...although i must say, the wages package here is not as good as working in private sector but in other hand, with all the benefits yg diberi, one and the same thing jugak..Ilham has beeen asking me to drop my Cv kat Petronas..but knowing the career advancement there yg macam agak susah, i said nevermind..hello, who la yg forever nak jadik exec. aje kan..gimme 3, 4 years lagi and let me enhance my skills...then promotion please...senior exec..manager perhaps???? Aminnnnnnn

I did actually asked my boss, the potential la working in this water services industry..takut la wei kalau sebenarnye tak de mase depan yg cerah barulah tau yg our concession agreement with government will end thsi year, and IWK is in a midst of applying for a operator service license..meaning we will be the only company in sewerage monopoly!!!!!and my Datin Boss said our department tak buley la kecik camnie..kene besau la lagi kan........Aminnn

Ni nak citer pasal lain pulak..mlm tadi kan si busyuk masam tu penat sgt kott, bb buleh tertido sambil2 tgk TV...akak pun mcm nak layan tido jugak time tu..tapi bile teringat tak mandi n wangi2 lagi, dapur tak berkemas n tak cuci pinggan lagi akak tabahkan hati jugak bangun n mandi n buat ape2 yg patut...dlm kul 10.30 camtu akak kejutkan sayagnku suruh tido betul2...terus langkahnye panjang masuk bilik n tidooo..erkkkkk edan kejut tipu2 aje..lantas haruslah akak aje ade kat family hall n meneruskan keje harian ie. mengiron baju n etc....sungguh dan amatlah sunyi perasaan itu...ok i got it, inilah BB rase bile edan tido awal kan...ok learn my lessons perlulah kamu2 sekalian same2 berjaga n tido same ok bile dah kawen nie orelse anda akan memebuatkan pasangan anda berase sgt lonely n bored n macam nak sedih gitu sebab kene duduk sorang...kadang2 lookign back my singlehood time, it was soo much fun and nothing yg i regret but then been married it is sooooooooooo much better..heheheheh..harusla kalau tibe2 perasaan takut sampai time nak tido tu for eg, toleh aje badan sebelah dah ade org@peneman..pastu buleh peluk2 utk menghilangkan rase takut itu..heheheeh...knowing me, pada sape2 yg tau, dulu kat rumah my sista, tido bukak lampu okieyy..akak ni penakut rupenya..haruslah pulak kalau ade jiran2..( mind u bukan sebelah rumah pun..) yg take off, maulah tibe2 aku terbayang2 wajah mereka padehal tak pernah pun ingat sebelum nie..kadang2 mcm mereka-reka saje wajah mereka itu..eiiii serammmmm..bongoks of the best part been married is when u have someone to accompany u esp di waktu malam...

after been married for almost 2 mths ( next week dah 2 bln..and no im not preggy as yet..trying to conceive hard work hard..:)i just noticed that my husband adalah seorang yg sensitif..very!..yup u cant never tell someone's behaviour gitu unless u live under the same roof...and knowing me again, yg sgt la blunt aka cakap ikut sedap mulut ni kan, memangla buleh menimbulkan sedikit misunderstanding....dear hubby i am really sorry, but sometimes words just slips out from my tongue ( not mouth literally..ahaksss)..hiks alasan kah itu???? im trying really hard here not to hurt him with my words, u know sometimes dgn perkataan sajork u can kill a person u see..i am still in a process of adapting this new life and just hope for the best...for both of us..

Dear Bebe: i love you today, i love you yesterday,i'll love u tomorrow and i will love you forever...jiwang sikit sey!!

p/s: Again, i just nperasan yg contents blog ini adalah sgt random sekali...first para saje about period pain n the rest takde kene mengene langsung..tapi tapi..ADE AKU KISAHHHHHH

December 14, 2009

bahu & leher yg sakit...

Buat husbandku yg tersayang...Mr. Khairul Faizal..

bahu dan leher saye masih sakittttttt...bagaimane nie?..keadaan ini telah merendahkan atau mengslowkan produktivti saye di office....

ceritenye begini : adalah satu malam tu, i dont know how,anyway, wihout receiving any instruction to urut, cayangku telah dgn rajin meletakkan tanggan nye yg mcm gorila itu ke atas bahu ku yg chomel dan dgn penuh perasaan kasih sayng telah menekan@ atau lebih tepat sekali cubaan untuk mengurut di area bahu dan leher walhal kawasan berkenan tidak langsung mengalami ape2 sakit@sengal...sudahnya tibe2 kawasan bahu n leher berkenaan menjadi teramat sangat seperti tersalah urat gitu..kau tak hangennn ke, cakap sikittt????????...terus akak menjadi tidak ade mood kerana menahan kesakitan yg ntahpahantah dan merasakan diri ini menjadi victim kerana dari keadaan yg sihat terus jatuh sakit....ahhh sungguh menaikkan darah betul!

tapi akak takdelah marah2 husbandku yg mengade2 tunjuk muka kesian tu kan...tapi marah sikit adelah kott..bukan marah per se, pissed off to be exact...

December 10, 2009

sebijik karipap 60 sen...kau biar betulll

....pagi2 dah buat gue hangen kan....boleh tak pagi tadi beli breakfast n beli 3 bijik karipap RM 1.70...2 karipap pusing 0.60 satu karipap biasa 0.50..amboi amboi..kornag letak ape ha dalam sgt sampai nak charge sampai 0.60 sebijik...hanjeng betul! tak redha rasenya time beli tadi...lain kali kan makcik letak harga kat luar biar org ramai tak tertipu ok..nak untung tak hengat2....tapi itu tak termasuk dgn sandwich yg aku beli RM tadi 4.20....bangang tak bangang kan, harga breakfast dah macam mkn lunch yg lepas dah kawen dah lame dah tak makan luar..akak lebih rela bangun pagi kul 6am setiao hari dan masak breakfast ok...biarlah katenya tok tok makan nasik goreng hari2tapi kaedahnya nasik tu penuh satu tupperware n buleh letak telur mata lagi ok!!!! memang kalau dah bawak bekal, lunch dah tak kuar dah..senak@kenyang sampai ke petang..tak save gitu...byk buleh save ok....

Yelah dah ade commitment yg buleh tahan besar nie, financial kene jaga sama...mane yg buleh dikawal, dipotong atau dikurangkan kite buatlah...for our own benefit basically aku byk jage bab2 makan nie, kalau buleh dimasak atau ditapau ape2 makanan lepas tu sgt la ayam kite kasik potong 14, buleh 3 kali masak..sekali masak 4 ketul camtu: cost RM 10-12...masak sardin for dinner, pagi esok buleh buat nasik goreng sardin: Cost Rm 4.50...beli mee kuning n fish cake buleh makn either for dinner or breakfast: cost RM 2.80..ha tgk byk tak banyak tu buleh save...rajin dgn tak rajin aje persoalannya..

Wah dah jadik macam hape tah skrang semua nak kene buat advance planning tight skrang so kene la berkorban cikit kan...tak kisahla asalkan tiap2 hari buleh makan..alhamdullillah!!!!

My parents and adik ade kat my crib since sunday haritu, today malam kang kene hantar kat umah sista @ wangsa maju...kene ikut turn la kan...baru fair and square!!!
nanti nie dah biase riuh2 nanti next week balik rumah sunyi aje..berdua aje kami..sunyi yg menromantikkan, buley??? kalau ade baby..bertiga??? tu yg tgh nak conceive nie, tapi belum ade rezeki lagi kott..tak tau la this month..aik we baru kawen 2 bulan 1/2 aje pun...kalau ade amik, kalau takde cube lagi..not really sure bout my hubs, whether he is really hoping for it dlam waktu terdekat nie ke atau tak kisah??? emmm need to ask him later..well some people say jgn stress utk conceive usah nak lekat ( ape lekat2...ingat glu??)..tulah kan..tak stress pun..gua rilex sajorkkk..

ok..the end..nak focus buat keje pulak ni kononya....

December 3, 2009

sometimes it is best to keep ur mouth shut....

Have you ever encounter orang2 yg perangai macam haram n blunt n cakap tak serupa bikin......buleh kasik hangen satu badan la ni macam....tapi pagi2 khamis nie n hujan tak baik la kite start hari dgn keadaan yg tak org2 yg macam nie kite lupakan saje......ok skrang nak try upload gambo sikit...btw gambo ni takde kene mengene langsung dgn post kali ni ok...apekah tak jadik nie....syaitoonnnnnn..mengapakah gambo terus ke atas gitu..grrrrrrrr sat sat try lagikkkka ...bagaimanakah tak jadik punnnnn

November 24, 2009

everyday pun ngantukkkk

how la to overcome with this penyakit ngantukness...i woke up 6am almost everyday tu tak kisah la kan tapi normally a nite before rasenya memang dah cukup tido...a good example last nite pukul 9 dah terbongkang depan tv..konon nak take a nap..tapi tapi...haruslah cayang ku itu basuh kain n siap sidai bagai....alahai...sorry bebe! edan ni kalau dah dpt tido dalam keadaan yg penat camtu mmg la kan..tak kasik can!
malam tadi bebe sorang2 tgk dvd-G.I Joe...niat dihati memang nak menemankan tapi....

sekarang kat dalam otak byk sgt perancangan utk our rumah..nak laminated floor yg penting, kitchen cabinet, n kalau buleh nak tukau tiles dalam bathroom..tgh sibuk nak adjust financial skrang nie...nak selesaikan dulu ape2 ygtertunggak only then buleh tgk sumber kewangan mencekupi ke tak..orelse kene buat sikit2 la kan..tapi tulah hati ni dah melonjak2 ketidaksabaran everytime balik keje, dah sibuk sgt terbayang2 nak rumah macamane...i just hope one day we manage to realisasikan our dreams ni la just a matter of money and time...skrang bebe dah tukau keje masuk balik ID company maka akan bertambah senang la keje2 mengsurvey nie...harap2 bebe kiki buleh mencarik ramai contact yg berguna...

pernah tak terlintas di fikiran korang,for example when u look around and nampak life org lain n suddenly this jahat illusion datang n cakap..wah , senangnye dia dapat segala-galanya kan.. perfect family, perfect home , perfect seems to be perfect utk org2 camnie...i know we are not supposed to compare our own life with others tapi seems to be easier for other people..n how i wish mine would be as easier as thing which i noticed if i want something i have to double up my effort..kalau org effortnye satu, mine kene 2, 3 kali ....but on a serious note, i would never trade my life now with is perfect for me just a matter how we look at we measure the
" perfect life" i think...but again..alhamdullillah, living this life mith my dear husband, with the loving families from both side, i wld never ask more...

November 23, 2009

Monday yg mendung

aiseyman, kain byk giler tak basuh lagi pasai weekend haritu balik Nilai n Jumaat malas la kan nak basuh baju..sape nak angkat!!!!

harini, this date...1 month ago, i got hitched! rasenye bangun2 pagi ni, rase berdebar2 yg amatla hebatnye...cant wait at the same time and hope that everything akan berjalan dgn lancar saje...ops bodoh tau ade keje urgent nak buat..sat lagi no proceed balik...sorry!

November 20, 2009

mind my grammar!!!!

ayoyoyyo bile bace balik post2 dulu byk betul grammatical error...singular, laut ok...with s without s..past, present, future tense....

maapkan saye, kesalahan menaip ok ( typo error...)


apekah maksud title diatas???? tibe2 tadi dgr lagu MJ tu yg teringat tu...

i have known my husband ( cewah, suke aje tau tulis2 husband nie..)way back in year 1998-1999.We were in a same arabic class, first semester..and few months later we were a couple. i cant really recall our relationship tu, but we dont really ngam together la..first few months seems ok tapi after that a lot of things happened..gaduh yg paling sekali kott..we were still young kan, ape nak tau...!

Then i think early 2000, i left him for i think a very reasoble reason la...heard from someone ( yg ketika itu buleh dipercayai) that he has somebodyelse..ewah ewah byk bye bye..

i think, to be honest i dont really treasure our relationship time tu..wei, 19-20 tahun tu,mane la nak pikir pasal commitment and watsoever..giloss...we got separated and choose our own way of life....

Then...who knows kan..i must say, our jodoh yg telah ditetapkan oleh Allah S.WT yg maha Esa, i met him again dalam bulan August 2008. Both of us, surprisgingly were free from any commitment...senang citer masing2 tgh availbale gitu...well, u may say, good timing la kott...

It went smooth and well, we got engaged in May 2009, got married 5 month later..23/10/2009...

I love him for what he have made me..i love him every single seconds, and i miss him whenever we are not together...

sayang, let us treasure this relationship, our second chance that Allah has spare to us, and may we live together ( with kids )for is great and i hope it will be better for us!

upload pixxies time...

hari ini adalah hari untuk mengload gambar kawen2 saye ye...

November 19, 2009

daily routine

5.45am : alarm dah berbunyik..mengeliat2 sikit! pukul 6 baru bgn...
6.00am : straight to kitchen, normally nite before dah plan nak buat breakfast ape, selalu nasik goreng, tak elok membazir ni ok..
6.25 : baru terhegeh2 habis masak n gosok baju ( i knw kene buat mlm sebelumnya, tapi takde mood la)
6.30 : habis gosok baju dan kejut bebe n pegi mandi ( multi tasker kan..semua nak baut dalam satu masa...
6.45 : habis mandi bebe tak bgn2 lagik, kejut n kejut...
7.00 : selalu tgh bermake up lagi, sambil tgk jam n ckp " alahai lambat dah nie.."
7.15 : baru nak kuar rumah pi kete...
7.20 : heading to office from Pandan Perdana
8.00-8.15 : reached office, macam boss kan..selaluuuuuuuuu aje lambat...
8.15-5.10 : keje keje, atau purak2 bekerje pun buley
5.10-5.30 : takde pun balik on time..kdg pi giant depan office jap beli santan la, beli ayam la, ikan la...
6.30 : normally dah sampai umah..terus angkat kain, cuci pinggan n terus siap2 nak masak..superwoman tak
6.30-7.30 : dah siap masak atau tgh masak, n tunggu bebe yg bususk tu balikk..hati ku manyak cuke...
8.00 : mandi kejap ( 7.30 ade nur kasih tu..layan kejap pun chantekk)
8.30 : waktu2 dinner dgn busuk ku tercayang
9.00-11.30 : either kemas dapur, lap gas, lap lantai atau basuh kain, atau kemas baju, lipat kain n chores..penat wei!
11.30 : mate sudah ngantuk...time utk tido saje...
11.30++ : time for sleep or somethingelse :-)

and tomorrow will repeat the same chores.....exhausted, tiring but happy and excited...and everyday at office i cant wait to be at home... to be with my dear hubby dalam ape keadaan sekalipun...

Sekian The end...

November 17, 2009

and i am happily married,,,,,,,,,,,,

Its been almost 25 days we have been together...1 bulan pun tak sampai lagi although rase macam dh lame aje kawen dah...a lot have a good side la kan of course but at the same time being a wife is really really ( mind you,really yg sgt really ok ) menuntut kesabaran yg maha hebat...u just want to be a good wife and obedient to your husband but how can you say yes to how how???

How to say no and stand for something when u think it is the rite thing to do when at the same time u dont want to trouble your husband....when you dont want him to choose..between you and .....God, give me your guidance and spare me with patience so i can live this life with my dear husband happily ever after.....

buat bebe: biar dihidupkan seribu kali, i still want to be your wife...

October 28, 2009

Yes, im married!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dear peeps...

alhamdullillah everything went well...tapi yg penting akak chantek ok...meh tgk gambar meh..suke tau bile upload gamabr semua ke atas..maknenye kene tgk gambo baru bace discription....
bensi la, gamba semua ke atas..malas nak upload lagi..

October 14, 2009

All hantaran items- Done

Finally..tak yah nak jalan2 penat2 lagi dah mencarik2...ramai aje yg kate buat keje last minute, dah tu manenye masa oiiii..

the hnatran items are as follow:

For Him:
1. Shoes from Lewre ( amatla susah mahu memilih kasut, tgk kat Aldo n etc takde yg pekenan, last2 kat sini juagk, same dgn my kasut..:-) )

2. Watch from Nautica ( sgt la suke bebe ku itu )

3. Wallet from Braun Buffel

4. Parfume- Dunhill Black from Dunhill ( wah baunya sht sedap ok )

5. Shirt from Dockers

6. Baju Melayu from Allain Dellon

7. Kek royal icing ( yg masih lagi belum di tempah, hhuhu jgn cakap kat org ok..saye tau saye jahat )

8. Buah-an

9. Pot pouri - bekas dia dah beli dah hari tu

10. Chocolate from Leura Collection ( katenye belgian choc.20pcs for 59 hengget )

11. Sireh junjung

Total costs ( excluding buah-an, sireh junjung kerane enggak bisa dinyatakan harganya = RM 1,749

For Me ( her )

1. Make- up set from Bobbi Brown ( wah saye manyak cuke, hati ku berbunga2 )

2. Handbag + purse from Liz Claireborne ( subsititute bag, original nak coach tapi exceed budget daa :-), tapi yg ini pun suke jugak, dpaat la membelasah ke office hari2 katenya )

3 Shoes from Lewre ( ksut keje jugak, cute sgt )

4. Telekung from Arked Ibukota ( kedai nak tutup n dapat harga murahhhh for the day, pi shopping waktu org nak tutup kodai )

5. sejadah + Quran ( MIL yg belikan )

6. Chocolate also from Leura Collection

7. Cake

8. Buah2 an

9. Sireh Junjung

Total Costs = 1,582.00 ( uit bebe ku punye lagi mahal...ini sudah lebih..)

tapi jeng jeng jgn di lupe cincin nikah ku ittew...huhuhuhu...Rm 1850..bagaimane..diam diam sudah!!!

ok, lepas ni concentrate pulak utk hias bilik pengantin ok..this week this week...motif la kene pegi lagi Nilai 3 utk memborong bunga2 pulak...pengsan!

catering ( friday n saturday arrangement- done, tinggal nak buat full payment)
photographer- done ( khamis nak pi jumpe pi bayar sikit..and buleh beli contact lense sekali..i likeeee)

itu sahaje buat mase ini..TQ!

shopping entry again! last kopek punye

Morning peeps...

yesterday, i must say sangatla penatnye..from office me and Mr. F went staright to Sg Wang nak amik jam kesayangan yg haritu di hantar untuk proses pembaikan blig blig nye..padan muka kan beli jam blig blig lagi amik kau...satu swaroski ( betui ka eja???) nya hilang, rosak teruk bentuk muka bumi jam ittew.

Then lepas amik jam, jalan2 jap sambik berfikir dan bertanya " be, lagi satu barang hantaran tak beli lagi, bebe nak ape ni. belt, wallet ?..tapi inilah jawapannya " tak tau la nak hape"..zassss tak hangen korang camtu...then try masuk byk tempat..thetapi satu bende tak tau nak pilih..then we decided to narrow down the option...dont look or search for other item kite carik belt or wallet jek...jalan2 lagi then at last masuk isetan...first tgk wallet n belt dockers but bebe cakap for the amount that we will pay, these two items nampak macam tak worth i dont dare push2 him, i just let him decide...then tibe2 terstop at "Braun Buffel"..nampak wallet..bebe perkenaan..yessss...grap one and pay...habis keje...

pastu, singgah jap KK home decor, nak cari blig2 yang berjuraian tu katenya..motif kat dalam bilik pengantin nak bling2 jugak.....tapi ade aku kisahhhh.......huhuhu

elek, bende tu takde then shoot to SSF kat ampang point tu..dah tutut dah, nampak bende tu bergantungan2 kat depan entrance..yes thats exactly that ive been wanting to gantung...kene carik on thursday la ni ...why thursday, sebab thursday bebe cuti....saye sgt la malas utk meng drive waktu2 yg hine camtu....

hari ni nak pi Jusco jap nak beli the most essential item..lingerie..hhuhu...

October 13, 2009

countdown- 9 days to go before the Nikah..erkk

Dear peeps.

tadi lunch hour pi singgah SRL kejap @ Menara Millenium. jumpe aniza and sarai..bagi invitation card namenye tempat jatuh lagikan di kenang...

Then sempat lagi last kopek hantar cards vide posts kat beberapa org lagi yg namenya tertinggal@tercicir...mane la dapat ingat semua ok..dah hantar pun dah lebih kurang 150 cards camtu..friends dari sekolah rendah, merangkap la sampai secondary, matrix, main camp, chambering, first office, second office, third office and current office..berape byk office dah..semalm sampai umah awal, bebe pulak keje shift petang, so bodoh2 je tingggal umah sorang2, tido balik pukul 9.00 camtu baru bangun, layan2 si Alya jap,kemas2 bilik then was around 11pm dah , tibe2 ingat nak dgr CD lagu yg beli kat Bali dulu sebab planned nak pasang time berenjisi..feeling2 gamelan katenya..tibe tibe jeng jeng ade connection, wa apelagi terus berFB la one's life can be so addicted dgn FB ini...

October 12, 2009

10 more days to go

Dear peeps..

kenape tak rase mengelabah lagi ha..kenape, kenape???? Arin sile mengelabah sekarang..........10 more days to go...hantaran semua dah beli, except bebe punye belt, bile nak beli ntah??? degil tau dia tu...mentang2 hantaran aku buat sendiri...pandai ke katenye buat sendiri..pandai la wei, pasai semua stakat cantum-cantum bodoh pun buley buat..akak feeling2 la konon kreatif gitu :-)

yg tak siap lagi:
1)bilik pengantin, huhuhu ni kene tunggu makcik2 den tolong buatkan...akak nak simple2 je ok...takde makne nak letak ala2 pelamin dalam bilik tido ittew...scallop2 bagai..ayoyoyoy! so rasenye nak letak fresh flower dalam vase yg sudah semestinya fresh flower tu adalah red roses....disebabkan bedroom set akak warna cream begitu jugaklah dgn cadar so letak aje warna merah,sure menarik and tertarik gitu...agakla kott..kalau org tengok tak tertarik pun ade aku kisah...hahahah, bodoh tau ayat " ade aku kisah" ni...sesuai sekali bagi org yg tak pedulik org macam akak ni..

2)pemasangan kipas2 dan lampu kristal bagai yg dipaksa beli oleh ibu ku yg terchenta itu...katenya " cantik lampu macam nie..trend skrang nie"...yolahhhhhhhhhhh...bebe n the gang akan dtg Nilai saturday ni 17.10.2009...kene buat sampai siap katenye...tak kire, kalau tak omak den akan mengamuk..bukan kat den kat bakal menantu tu lah..den tak bersalah ok!

3) tempah choc : friday nie kene pegi hartamas shopping centre ( kekwat tau nak beli choc pun kene beli kat hartamas ke..ala oklah tu,dari menggatal pi mintak Godiva...) tak order lagi..choc utk dua2 pihak for the hantaran....

4) kek : buleh tak aku lupe nak tanye kedai cine kat Nilai tu..kene pegi jugak hari sabtu nie...kalau tak sah2 la gune kek pisang aje untuk hantaran..

5) buah2 an pi beli la propose letak buah anggur aje...buah pun kene beli byk sikit, utk bebe punye side sekali...

Saturday : pagi kene pegi SSF kejap nak beli diamond2 yg gantung2 tu katenya...pastu buleh tak kalau sempat nak pegi kedai souvenir kat belakang Federal Bakery tu kejap...pasainye mcm nak beli tak tau ape utk guests hari Jumaat tu nanti yg edan tak beli lagi...pastu balik Nilai n appointment ngan mak andam utk fitting baju and SPA sekali...adoiii, byk bende tu nak buat hari Jumaat ni, aku pegi SSF, tak jam kah jalan ittew? penin sikit buley????
petang ni jumpe bebeb buley tanye nak baut camne...mane yg patut kene pegi dulu...SSF tutup cepat la, kalau awal sikit buley turun KL jap lepas office hour..

jap jap nak call kak tim langisr...nak tanye curtain buley tak amik hari Jumaat ni, Sabtu dah buley gantung...ramai kaki tangan hari tu nanti, buley tolong...

tadi baru reply email kakak catering....dah nak bagi invoice tapi ade penambahan so kene amend la...full payment sebelum 20 october nie..uit, lagi 7 hari lagi...sabtu ni buat full payment mak andam n nak bayar 600 utk photographer..videoman tarak sebab aku malas dah nak carik2 org..belasah jugak...

sabtu tu jugak kene booking hotel utk bebe...amik superior room sudah, so siap2 untuk reception tu nanti kat Allson Klana la...

ape lagi...wawaa..makan gaji bute la aku kat office ni katenya...bukan penin buat keje, penin pikir pasal kawen...well, nak buat camne??? dah dekat sangat dah...tadi baru hantar leave application, buley??? tapi apekah boss tak approve2 lagi

btw, card kawen ade lebih byk ok...dalam 100 keping camtu...tulah byk gile kan order haritu,,,gile tamak katenya..

thats all buat mase ni..lepas ni konon2 nak feeling-feeling fokus buat keje katenya..

October 1, 2009

shopping entry,...

Semlm (30/9/2009) berhempas pulas lagi bershopping..kali ni pegi Mid Valley pulak....n ended up beli cadar from Jusco, kasut bebe from Lewre and my handbag from Liz Clairborne...yelah mula2 plan nak beli Coach, tapi budget lari sikit la pulak..Liz Clairborne pun buleh...gua rilex aje...barang2 semua yg affordable basically lists barang2 hantaran yg dah beli as follow:-

For Him
1. Parfume set- Dunhill Black
2. Kasut - Lewre
3. Shirt- Dockers
4. Baju Melayu - Alain Dellon
5. Jam- Nautica
6. Bekas Potpouri- kasik wangi2 cikit....

7. Belt- katenya nak Armani Exchane kan..
8. Choc- tak kan beli awal2..dah jumpe satu kedai home made choc kat Hartamas..Leura something, so order aje dari situ..sonang.
9. Buah2an
10. Kek- nak tempah aje dari Kedai kat Nilai tu..nak cake merah putih royal icing
11. Sireh Junjung- Mak tam tolong buatkan

For Me: ( mentang2 sikit, byk lagi tak beli ok..tapi sekali lagi gua rilex aje...)
1. Hand bag- Liz Clairborne
2. Kasut- Lewre

Pending: byk lagi ok..
3. Bobbi Brown - beli hari nie 1/10/09 @ Mid Valley..yeayyyyy
4. Telekung- sabtu ni, beli aje kat Nilai, siap berkerawang2 bagai....murah sikit
5.Al Quran + Sejadah - MIL beli kat Johor aje..
6. Kek - ni aku tulun tempahkan..kat Nilai aje la
7. Choc- ni pun beli sekali kat Leura choc tu
8. Buah-an - ni pun aku tolong beli n buatkan
9. Sirih junjung - Mak Tam buatkan sekali..

So puan2 adakah adil barang2 hantaran diriku ni yg sedikit....aku sabar ajelah kan...takpelah lepas ni kalau ade rezeki terpijak buleh beli eg. coach tu lah...wawawaa

Tapi perlukah diri ku ini membebel mengatakan tak fair..nescaya lah bebe akan mengetuk2 kepala ku ini.....For the batal air semayang, bebe belikan cincin...well baru2 nak belajar pakai jewellery kan, tak yah la gelang2 nie...pakai yg kecit2 dulu....

itu ajelah setakat hari ni ye Puan2....daaaaa

countdown beginsssss

ayoyoyo, 20 more days to go before the big day..serammmm ok!

August 24, 2009

boss 1/2 day, mari kite blogging....

buley???? all these while tak dapat nak type panjang2 sebabnye akak skrnag dah tak entitle dpaat bilik sendiri jadik bile nak menaip bende2 camnie kenelah cover line skittt, tu yg post ala2 cikit aje contents dia, tulis tak sepenuh hati katenya..

i have a lot of things to share, but dunno where to start...about life, about my weeding prep ( i like ni yg paling cuke sekali), my familia and friends..but then when there is an ample time to write, idea pulak takdo...

ok start dgn keje@ career : when i graduated in year 2004, i never picture myself jadik sorang lawyer gitu..yes i am law grads but then not neccessarily kene jadik lawyer, tapi time tu tak tau nak buat ape..what i have in mind nak cepat-cepat keje, dapat gaji n nak beli kete....impian biase bagi semua org la kottt..back then i decided to do my pupillage, 9 month at Shahrizat Rashid & sgt..ala budak chambee, buat salah pun bukan ade committment..salah lawyer la sape suruh bagi instruction tak terang..not my fault then..hehehehe..kat sini kan, aku dah kenal dah Engku Emran, ala Erra punye hubs tu..EE selalu datang jumpe uncle dia, Tan Sri Rashid..bile dia lalu ( btw, time ni aku diletakkan dlm library yg berdinding glass tu, so nampak la wei sape yg lalu lalang ) akak buleh tersenyum2 sornag2 sebab dia handsome...errkkk ye ke ? time tu dia la yg paling handsome kat office tu, so all the credits goes to him...

so lepas dah 9 bulan, pi la carik keje, although time chambering kat big size firm tapi dlm hati time tu taknak jadik lawyer kat firm2 besar ni, konon nak start dgn firm kecik dulu..yolah tu..kalau ku tahu la kan....lupe nak add on sikit, 9 bulan kat SRL konon2 area of specialization lebih pade litigation...sobab eh 9 bulan tu asyik duduk kat litigation department sebab konon2 lawyer liti lagi happening...emm yolah sangat! time nie belajar byk from Abg Zam@Hafarizam Harun ( sekarang dah dapat Datuk ok, pakai BMW lagi, kekwatt..dulu ingat dia pakai proton aje..buley???, dah tercapai la cite2 dia tu nak glam2 sebelah2 datuk kan..oklah good for him..) manekah akak terpesong ini???

first keje kat Aris & Co, sodih ok..firm tu dulu kala sangat grand katenye tapi tidak lagi..tapi malas la kan nak citer yg buruk2 ..tempak carik rezeki tu tahan setakat 6 bulan aje, pastu cabut pi firm lain...Tengku Mohamed & Alan Lim...macam ok..glam la sikit..firm dia kat Menara Asia Life..konon2 first time la keje kat firm yg agak gah sikit..tapi nan ado jugak...byk sgt veteran2 jepun kat sini..secretary akak dah nak dekat 40+++, mahu tak tertekan kan..majority semua kat situ 30+++ and above....tertekan ok akak yg mude remaja ini...tapi work wise ok-ok la..dah setahun tibe2 tak nampak pun ade increment ke, monus ke...hanjenggg tinggal la..carik firm baru..then dapat pulak kat Albar & Partners- no need to story byk2 sgt..such an experience for me, tapi tak nak dah elaborate panjang2....bad, good, worse memories semua kat sini...then after 2 years, i moved again..such a job hopper kan akak ni....then masuk in house..jadik legal sgt ( so far..insyallah, amin)..keje rilex giler, my lady boss sgt baik, tak pressure kan diri akak ini langsung....walaupun adela kadang2 dia hangen jugak kat diriku ini ( hello mane lah ade tau ok...byk sgt procedure bile masuk in house ni...nak buat sikit semua kene buat memo...haiyaaa)..i seriously hope this wld me my last job la...sni byk benefits dia..buleh pi klinik sesuke hati..tak pernah la akak ni merase pi klinik tak bwak duit, baru first time i hope there is a career advancement for me here..mane tau dalam 3, 4 tahun lagi dapat pulak jadik legal manager..tersentapp ok...

yup ittew saje adik2 buat mase nie..tgn dah lenguh ni..nak pi urut tangan jap...daaaa

chenta hatiku

yessss, chenta hatiku yg berbaju putih ittew.. the same pix yg dia letak kat album hantar 1/2 duit hantaran..buley..siap suruh edan choose lagi yg mane..sesuai la edan pilih yg muke edan cun2 sajer....

Apekah bile upload saje gambar terus keatas????? camne ni nak setting,tak nampak pun button setting metting ittew...tensionnnnn skitt..

bebe, i love you for what u have made me...I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where...i just know that i love you and i cant wait to share my whole life with you.....

ramadan entry....

3rd day of Ramadan...1st day tak bgn sahur sebab biasak la kan( 2nd day aje bgn sebab weekend, ahaks)...dari zaman uia dulu dah tak bangun sahur...tak tau la pulak esok2 kalu dah kawen hubs suruh bgn n bersahur proper2 gitu...uish!..i remember, tahun lepas 2008 ( baru jumpe balik chenta hatiku itu), balik office kalau takde berbuka appointment, berbuka mengadap dinding sorang2 n pastu buley layan tido sampai pukul 10..giler pemalas nak pi terawikh kan..takde kawan la..pi sorang2 tak mencabar minda..

tahun nie i bet its gonna be a bit different sebab dah ade tunang tersayang..( bebe, kalau bace nie sure kembang kuncup...).. We plan to berbuka together-gether and terawikh afterwards..but of course la subject to bebe's schedule la kan..unlike me, working in GLC is such a heaven...1/2 hour rest and can balik at 4.40 everyday except Friday yg lagi evil balik at 4.10...yahoooooo

happy berpuasa to all..

August 21, 2009

Shopping Entry No. 1

tadi dah type byk pasal title di atas suddenly tak buleh publish..sohai..kene create semula la nie...badigol hanjenggg

August 14, 2009

congrates to future MIL

morning peeps...

today is my future MIL's convo at UM..i truly believes that all her ( including the whole family members of course ) struggles, hardwork, sacrifices are all paid off..Mr F text me this morning and informed me that MIL get really excited t and i told him to ckp kat MIL bile jalan amik scroll nanti waive her hands macam beauty peagent gitu...baru kelasssss...ahaks..i still remember mine, way back in year 2004, lepas subuh terus siap, mate sepet2 ok...tertekan gua..letak eye shadow bagai tak buleh cover the kesan kesepetan parents aje yg attended my sis pulak buley the same day her reherseal convo kat UITM pulak, where next day will be hers..2 day in a row, my parents attended their daugthers's kat IIU and sis kat UITM...hope we really made our parents proud....
to future MIL- wishing u all the best in watever you do, and i believe u can also pass ur CLP paper, complete your chambering@pupillage and set up your own legal firm....please do not forget to invite me for partnership....:-)


August 13, 2009

wedding prep...

white frech lace for the baju nikah,red hand bouquet for the nikah ceremony and white watever name bunga ittew for the bersanding...

this has been my favourite subject, my wedding preparation...browsing for hand bouquet la, deco la..n the list goes on..yadayada..we ( Mr Fiancee aka Mr F and i ) baru aje pun terhegeh buat survey2 barang nikah nie..pemalas kan when we already know the fact the the BIG D is just around the corner.hhhheeeeeh.tak pe rilex rilex, kawal penafasan!

u see, i always wanted a small yet classy and elegant ( mengade or what?) wedding ceremony.nikah then pi makan2 dgn guests not more than 100 kat mane2 tempat yg secluded and private gitu...tapi haruslah kepale eden ni nanti diketuk dgn senduk oleh bonda ku yg terchenta ittew..sedara-mara list aje more than 300 ( and of course perlu didouble kan lawhich is equal to 600 )..bagaimana???? so ternyata niat suci lagi murni terpaksa di delete kan terus...impian yg tidak akan sekali-kali menjadi kenyataan...well, pixs shown above are the example of a perfect hand bouquet...i love red roses and i think it will suits with my white frech lace baju nikah ( seperti yg ditunjukkan diatas )...ahhh tak suit pun i dont care...
( wah, bagaiamanakah gambar2 ittew berade diatas sajer??? - Mr F i need your help ) priority utk kawin2 nie adalah semua berkenaan dgn macamane nak mengchantekkan diriku saje..yg lain2 survey sikit2 be continue

my first writing..yeay!!!! 13/8/2009

Assalamualaikum....hello peeps...

At last, my first ever blog...hehehehe....u see i always wanted to create my own blog ever since pandai bace blog2 others, i think almost 1 year ago....i love and i do enjoyed reading other's writings, their thought, views, experiences, memories macam2 la...their happiness, sadness, sorrowness n etc..feels like im part of them, as if i have known this people frm the time in memorial which in fact i dont..weird uhh! ...( pix shown above takde kene mengene dgn ini title...saje je was taken from my humble and ordinary camera, trip to Bali 2007)

So peeps, gimme some time to explore to chantek kan blog akak ini ok..